Diane Kochilas is the host and producer of the TV show “My Greek Table” . She is also the author of 18 books on Greek cuisine and runs a cooking school on her native island of Ikaria (Greece). Ikaria is known as the island of longevity, one of the famous Blue Zones, where the most people live the longest in the world. According to statistics, 1 in 3 people on the island of Ikaria live to be 90 years old. In addition, the rate of dementia and other chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease in this land is always low.
Why is garlic the secret to longevity of the people of the Green Zone?
Diane revealed that people in her hometown follow the Mediterranean diet. In this diet, garlic is an indispensable ingredient. They use garlic in daily meals such as making salad dressing, spreading garlic on bread, stewing garlic with cereals or beans, stir-frying garlic with pasta, cooking garlic with goat meat, etc. Diane believes that garlic is no longer a normal cooking ingredient but also the secret to longevity of the people of Ikaria.
According to Diane, for the Ikarians, garlic is also a medicine with many valuable effects on health. They use garlic in many folk remedies to treat or prevent colds. This tuber is also used by them as a natural antibiotic.
In fact, modern scientific research has proven that garlic has many benefits for health and longevity, such as boosting immunity, fighting inflammation, and regulating blood pressure. A study in Japan showed that garlic has the effect of improving intestinal health, thereby helping to prolong life. In Vietnam, garlic is also very popular not only in dishes but also in traditional medicine.
How to add garlic to your diet to help improve your immune system and increase your longevity
By referring to the dishes prepared with garlic below, you will see that adding garlic to your daily menu is not difficult.
Crispy Garlic Toast
Garlic shrimp.
Steamed fresh shrimp with garlic.
Grilled chicken wings with garlic butter.
Chicken with garlic.
Fried chicken feet with fish sauce and garlic.
Frog stir-fried with garlic.
Fried anchovies with garlic.
Stir-fried morning glory with garlic
Stir-fried snails with garlic butter.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/ngo-ngang-loai-cu-ban-day-o-cho-viet-lai-la-bi-quyet-song-tho-cua-vung-xanh-noi-tieng-172240912100058671.htm
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