According to an announcement from Northwest Normal University in Gansu Province (China) on March 13, this ultra-durable battery can be used to power pacemakers - which currently only have a maximum lifespan of 15 years - as well as spacecraft and devices operating in harsh conditions such as in polar regions or the seabed.

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The nuclear battery was developed by a research team at Northwest Normal University in Gansu Province, China. Photo: SCMP

While not mentioning electric cars, the university said the battery's environmentally friendly and low-carbon characteristics could “promote the upgrading of China's new energy industrial chain.”

The nuclear battery is designed to last up to 50 years, but according to a statement from the university, it could operate for more than 100 years in harsh environmental conditions.

“Theoretically, this battery can last for thousands of years thanks to the long half-life of carbon-14, up to 5,730 years,” Zhang Guanghui, the project’s technical leader, told the South China Morning Post .

He refers to the time required for a radioactive isotope to decay to half its original value.

Young female doctor creates cold-resistant space battery to use on Mars for 2 months CHINA - To ensure a stable energy source for Mars exploration, Dr. Tieu Huc has created a cold-resistant space battery that takes energy from the atmosphere.
