According to an announcement from Northwest Normal University in Gansu Province (China) on March 13, this ultra-durable battery can be used to power pacemakers - which currently only have a maximum lifespan of 15 years - as well as spacecraft and devices operating in harsh conditions such as in polar regions or the seabed.

While not mentioning electric cars, the university said the battery's environmentally friendly and low-carbon characteristics could “promote the upgrading of China's new energy industrial chain.”
The nuclear battery is designed to last up to 50 years, but according to a statement from the university, it could operate for more than 100 years in harsh environmental conditions.
“Theoretically, this battery can last for thousands of years thanks to the long half-life of carbon-14, up to 5,730 years,” Zhang Guanghui, the project’s technical leader, told the South China Morning Post .
He refers to the time required for a radioactive isotope to decay to half its original value.

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