GĐXH - A 19-year-old man traveled nearly 2,000 km from Ba Ria - Vung Tau to Phu Tho for medical treatment and the results were beyond expectations...
Traveling nearly 2,000 km to treat congenital pectus excavatum
Patient P.D.Q (19 years old, in Ba Ria - Vung Tau) had a cough, difficulty breathing, and a sunken chest... these symptoms had increased for more than 2 years, and despite having been examined at many hospitals, he had not been cured.
After learning that Phu Tho General Hospital had successfully treated many similar cases, the patient's father decided to travel nearly 2,000 km to get treatment here in the hope of providing the best treatment opportunity for his son.
At Phu Tho General Hospital, after being examined by a doctor and performing in-depth tests, the patient was diagnosed with congenital pectus excavatum and was prescribed surgery.
Patient P.D.Q. was operated on by the surgical team of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department to lift the sternum using the Nuss method. After surgery, the patient recovered well, his cough improved, he no longer had difficulty breathing, and his chest was no longer sunken. It is expected that the patient will be discharged from the hospital one week after surgery.
Happy to feel the positive changes in her body, patient P.D.Q said: "At first, I didn't dare to hope much, I just thought simply to go to Phu Tho General Hospital to treat cough and shortness of breath. I didn't think the doctors could make my chest stop being concave. Now I'm much more confident. It's truly an unexpected success."
Q's father also happily said: "We are truly grateful to the doctors and nurses of Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital, especially Dr. Duong Xuan Phuong - Head of the Department and the doctors and nurses of the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. Thanks to the doctors, my son has better health, we feel that all the efforts to travel nearly 2,000 km were very worthwhile."
What to do when having congenital pectus excavatum?
Dr. Duong Xuan Phuong - Head of the Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery said: Congenital pectus excavatum is a condition in which the chest or sternum is sunken, a congenital malformation. The disease not only causes self-consciousness for the patient but also compresses the heart and lungs, causing chest pain when exerting effort if the degree of concavity is severe, so the patient needs to be examined and treated early.
BSCKI Truong Van Hai took a photo with the patient after one day of surgery. Photo: BVCC
Currently, Nuss surgery with endoscopic support for orthopedic surgery and sternum augmentation to treat congenital pectus excavatum is considered the optimal solution in treating this disease.
This is a minimally invasive technique, with almost no blood loss and a quick recovery time. Doctors will make small incisions on both sides of the chest wall. A breast lift (made of metal - usually Titanium) is inserted into the back of the sunken sternum to lift the sternum. In some cases of severe sunken chest, the child needs to use more breast lifts. After about 2 to 2.5 years, the breast lift can be removed.
Currently, each year the hospital receives and performs surgery on about 50-70 patients aged 4-25 years old and from many different provinces and cities across the country, helping them restore their chest shape and regain confidence in life, work and study.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/chang-trai-19-tuoi-vuot-gan-2000-km-de-chua-benh-lom-nguc-bam-sinh-ket-qua-ngoai-su-mong-doi-17225031010211504.htm
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