The Ministry of Education and Training has issued a draft Circular on regulations for junior high school and high school admissions to solicit opinions, including regulations on subjects eligible for direct admission and priority points in admission to grade 10.

According to the draft, 5 subjects are admitted directly to grade 10 including: Students of ethnic boarding schools at the junior high school level; Students from very small ethnic groups; Students with disabilities; Junior high school students who won prizes in national competitions, exams, and competitions in cultural, artistic, and sports subjects organized by the Ministry of Education and Training or in coordination with ministries and ministerial-level agencies organized nationwide; Junior high school students who won prizes in international competitions selected by the Minister of Education and Training.

In addition to the direct admission candidates, the draft also solicits opinions on adding priority points for candidates taking the 10th grade entrance exam.

Priority points are added to the total admission score calculated on a 10-point scale for each exam subject. Group 1 is awarded 2 points; Group 2 is awarded 1.5 points; Group 3 is awarded 1 point.

Group 1 includes: Children of martyrs; children of war invalids with a working capacity loss of 81% or more; Children of sick soldiers with a working capacity loss of 81% or more; Children of people granted a "Certificate of beneficiaries of policies for war invalids whose working capacity loss is 81% or more"; Children of resistance fighters infected with toxic chemicals; Children of revolutionary fighters before January 1, 1945; Children of revolutionary fighters from January 1, 1945 to the August 1945 uprising.

Group 2 includes: Children of Armed Forces Heroes, Labor Heroes, Heroic Vietnamese Mothers; Children of war invalids with less than 81% working capacity loss; Children of sick soldiers with less than 81% working capacity loss; Children of people granted "Certificate of beneficiaries of policies for war invalids, but the person granted the Certificate of beneficiaries of policies for war invalids has a working capacity loss of less than 81%.

Group 3 includes: People whose father or mother is an ethnic minority; Ethnic minorities; Students living and studying in communes in region I, region II, region III, especially disadvantaged villages, coastal areas and islands according to regulations of the Prime Minister.

The case of the 'valedictorian' of the 10th grade exam who had to drop out of school after inspection: Disciplining a female teacher

The case of the 'valedictorian' of the 10th grade exam who had to drop out of school after inspection: Disciplining a female teacher

Ngoc Lac High School (Thanh Hoa) has disciplined teacher Ngo Thi Tuyet, who entered the wrong exam score, causing a student to go from failing to becoming valedictorian.
Mistaken score entry, failed candidate becomes valedictorian of 10th grade

Mistaken score entry, failed candidate becomes valedictorian of 10th grade

A candidate in Thanh Hoa, who failed the exam, had his score incorrectly assigned by the Examination Council and became the valedictorian of grade 10 at Le Hong Phong High School.