Recently, in many localities in the province, the problem of rats destroying crops has been increasing, with the risk of an epidemic. The agricultural sector and localities in the province are actively implementing urgent measures to exterminate rats to protect agricultural production and the ecological environment.
The new generation of rat extermination model is highly effective in Yen Tho commune (Nhu Thanh).
In the spring crop of 2024, Nhu Thanh district planted more than 3,000 hectares of rice, striving for a yield of 58 quintals/ha or more, an output of 16,720 tons or more. Thanks to the proactiveness of the people in applying scientific and technical advances such as seeds, fertilizers, integrated pest management IPM, ICM..., the spring rice area grew and developed well, and pests and diseases were controlled. However, due to the impact of climate change, the decline of natural enemies such as snakes, owls, cats... has caused the harmful rats to increase, especially on highland fields without proactive irrigation water, rice areas near villages, foothills, near major axis banks... affecting the growth of rice plants. Faced with the above situation, the Agricultural Service Center of Nhu Thanh district has coordinated with the Central Plant Protection Joint Stock Company 1 to implement the model of "Managing harmful rats with premixed bait Hicate 0.08AB in the 2024 spring rice field" in Yen Tho commune. The model uses the new generation of rat poison Hicate 0.08AB continuously for 4 days from March 11 to March 14 on an area of 1 hectare. The implementation results show that the effectiveness of rat extermination in the field is 82.92%.
Vice Chairman of Yen Tho Commune People's Committee (Nhu Thanh) Bui Ngoc Tuan said: Through the implementation of the model, it has been shown that Hicate 0.08AB pre-mixed bait to kill rats is highly effective, safe, easy to use on a large scale, suitable for a campaign to organize a concentrated and simultaneous rat extermination. Currently, spring rice is in the tillering stage, which is also the time when rats begin to cause local damage in some local fields. It is forecasted that in the coming time, the level of damage caused by rats will increase, with the potential to cause great damage affecting farmers' productivity. Therefore, the commune has launched a campaign to simultaneously kill rats on a large scale, especially in areas and fields where rats are biting and destroying. At the same time, people are encouraged to regularly visit the fields, clear bushes, detect rat nests, paths, and locations where rats are biting and destroying. In addition to using new generation rat poison of biological origin, people set traps at the entrance of the cave, where rats often pass by and bite and destroy. Along with the mass campaign to kill rats, the commune also recommends that people must widely announce the killing in the village, collect excess bait and dead rats in the right place to avoid environmental pollution.
In the 2024 spring crop, the whole province has planted 114,265.1 ha/112,500 ha of rice, reaching 101.6% of the plan. Currently, the early rice crop area is in the standing stage, the main crop and late crop rice are tillering, growing and developing well. However, by April 12, through monitoring the fields of the Department of Cultivation and Plant Protection in the districts of Ba Thuoc, Ngoc Lac, Thach Thanh, Thieu Hoa, Hoang Hoa, Tho Xuan, Ngoc Lac, Yen Dinh, Nong Cong, Nhu Thanh, Quang Xuong, Hoang Hoa... rats appeared to damage spring rice with a common damage rate of 2 - 3%, high 5 - 10%, the infected area is 73.6 ha, an increase of 10.35 ha compared to the previous year. Thereby, the department recommends that localities in the province implement measures to prevent rats from harming rice in an area of 130 hectares and continue to implement rat extermination in many other crop areas.
Faced with the above situation, localities in the province have organized a campaign to mobilize forces and people to participate in killing rats and protecting crops. On March 25, 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 06/CD-UBND requesting directors of departments, heads of provincial-level departments and branches, Chairmen of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to urgently organize the implementation of urgent measures to kill rats to protect agricultural production and the environment.
According to Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Viet Chon, implementing the telegram of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the agricultural sector has developed a plan and provided instructions on technical measures to kill rats, and deployed them to localities for implementation according to regulations. The agricultural sector hopes that sectors and localities consider rat extermination a regular task, mobilize people to kill rats in residential areas and in fields, and consider this an annual movement of mass organizations. Relevant units of the agricultural sector regularly coordinate with localities to inspect and examine the production, trading, and use of rat extermination drugs and baits, and strictly handle acts of fraud and trading of rat extermination drugs and baits not listed.
Article and photos: Hai Dang
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