Today, May 25, the High School for the Gifted in Natural Sciences announced detailed instructions for 10th grade enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year.
Accordingly, the school will recruit 450 students for grade 10 specialized programs (including math, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biology classes; each specialized block has 90 students) and 90 students for high-quality classes.
Students taking the entrance exam to grade 10 of the Natural Science Specialized High School last school year
According to statistics, by the registration deadline (May 15), the school received 2,975 applications for the 10th grade entrance exam in 2023, of which the largest number were candidates for the IT major.
Specifically, with 894 applications for the exam, while the quota is 90, the "competition" ratio of the IT major is up to 1/9.9. The second place is the math major with 630 applications, the "competition" ratio is 1/7. The biology major has the lowest "competition" ratio, only 1/3.5.
The number of applications, enrollment quotas and competition rates for grade 10 in each specialized block of the school are as follows:
According to the guidelines, the admission target of the High School for Natural Sciences in 2023 is candidates nationwide. The conditions for taking the exam are that candidates must have good conduct and academic performance for the entire school year of junior high school classes; and a junior high school graduation grade of good or higher.
Each candidate can register for a maximum of 2 out of 5 specialized subjects: math, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology. Candidates registering for their preferred subjects will have to take 2 specialized subjects (not at the same time).
This year's 10th grade entrance exam will take place over 2 days, June 4-5, with 2 rounds. In round 1, all candidates must take 2 common subjects: literature and math, with a duration of 120 minutes per subject.
Round 2, candidates will take the specialized subjects corresponding to their registered major with a duration of 150 minutes/subject. The math exam in this round will be for both math and computer science candidates.
Multiple choice test combined with essay for literature, essay for math (round 1) and specialized subjects.
Candidates included in the admission list for each major must take all 2 general exams and the corresponding major exam, must not be suspended from taking the exam; the exam score for all subjects must be 4 or higher. The score for the literature subject is a condition and is not used to calculate the admission score.
The admission score for specialized subjects is the sum of the math exam score (round 1) multiplied by coefficient 1 and the specialized exam score multiplied by coefficient 2. The school does not add priority points in admission. The exam results will be announced before June 24 via text message to the candidate's phone number in the application form and on the admissions website.
According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, 2023 will be the last year that specialized schools are allowed to enroll non-specialized students. Therefore, this year, the High School for the Gifted in Natural Sciences will also enroll the last batch of students in the high-quality class.
The subjects and conditions for admission are candidates who have participated in the school's 2023 entrance exam for specialized subjects, with a score of 4 or higher in the 2 subjects of literature and math (round 1). Candidates register for admission to high-quality grade 10 on the admission portal according to the school's instructions.
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