Temporarily suspend the implementation of projects to reorganize the district-level apparatus in Yen Bai province.
Pursuant to Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW dated February 28, 2025 of the Politburo and the Secretariat on implementing research and proposing to continue to reorganize the apparatus of the political system, the Provincial People's Committee requests:
1. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities urgently direct relevant departments , offices and units to organize the implementation of the following specific contents :
- For new construction projects, repairs, renovations, and upgrades of offices of agencies, organizations, departments , divisions, and units under the management of district-level administrative units:
+ Temporarily suspend the implementation of projects and works that have not completed investment preparation work; projects and works that have completed investment preparation work but have not yet selected contractors; projects and works that are in the process of selecting construction contractors; projects and works that have signed construction contracts but have not yet mobilized personnel, machinery, materials , equipment, and have not yet spent money to organize construction.
+ For construction works and projects that have signed construction contracts, contractors have mobilized personnel, machinery, materials , equipment, and spent money to prepare for construction or are in the process of unfinished construction : Temporarily suspend implementation, review and propose solutions for each specific case.
- For the purchase of assets and working equipment of agencies, organizations, departments , offices and units under the management of district-level administrative units: Review the allocated budget, only purchase assets and working equipment when absolutely necessary to maintain normal operations of the agency or unit ; in cases where it is not absolutely necessary and urgent, temporarily suspend the purchase.
- Report on implementation results to the Department of Finance for synthesis before March 5, 2025 .
2. Assign the Department of Finance to preside over and coordinate with the Department of Construction and relevant units to review, synthesize and report to the Provincial People's Committee before March 8, 2025.
Source: https://yenbai.gov.vn/noidung/tintuc/Pages/chi-tiet-tin-tuc.aspx?ItemID=36065&l=Tintrongtinh
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