GĐXH - A young man had a stroke and was hospitalized in critical condition: Left hemiplegia, slow consciousness, Glasgow score of 14, slurred speech.
Recently, doctors at the Stroke Center - Phu Tho General Hospital said they had received and successfully intervened on a 21-year-old patient with a history of congenital heart disease and cerebral infarction. due to right middle cerebral artery occlusion.
According to the family, on the evening of February 26, the patient was still living normally. However, at around 2:00 a.m. on February 27, the patient felt weak on one side of his body. In the morning, the condition did not improve, so the family took the patient to the Yen Lap District Medical Center.
Here, the patient was diagnosed with: Acute stroke/congenital heart disease. Realizing the critical condition, the doctors consulted online with experts at the Stroke Center - Phu Tho General Hospital and decided to transfer the patient directly to the Center when it was already 10 hours since the symptoms appeared.
Upon admission, the patient was in a state of slow consciousness, Glasgow score 14, slurred speech, left hemiplegia with muscle strength 0/5. The patient was examined in the emergency room, had a CT scan of the brain with cerebral vascular reconstruction: Image of ischemic stroke due to occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery.
The golden time for intervention to recanalize the cerebral blood vessels is 6 hours. Although the time of admission was 10 hours, the doctors concluded that the patient had a large artery occlusion and the patient was too young, the brain parenchyma was expected to be saved at most. The intervention team immediately consulted and ordered emergency intervention to remove the thrombus. Only 30 minutes after admission, the patient was taken to the intervention room to prepare for intervention to remove the cerebral blood vessel thrombus.
After 15 minutes of intervention, the team removed 2 pieces of blood clot, helping the patient's brain blood vessels to completely reopen. Thanks to the efforts and determination of the doctors and family, the patient had positive improvements immediately after the intervention: improved consciousness, better response and the ability to answer questions correctly.
Image of the patient being able to stand up after 10 hours of intervention. Photo: BVCC
Ten hours after the intervention, the patient had recovered well and was able to stand up.
Currently, after 24 hours of intervention, the patient is awake, Glasgow score 15, speaks clearly and can perform some basic personal activities.
Important warning about stroke in young people
According to Dr. Khong Huu Phu - Stroke Center, Phu Tho General Hospital: Since the beginning of 2025, the Stroke Center - Phu Tho General Hospital has received more than 10 cases of stroke in young people, including cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.
In the past, stroke was often considered a disease of the elderly, but now the rate of young people suffering from stroke is increasing alarmingly. The main causes come from unhealthy lifestyles such as: prolonged stress, unscientific diet, alcohol abuse, tobacco and lack of exercise. In addition, underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia are also worrying risk factors.
Through this, the doctor recommends that when there are signs of suspected stroke such as: hemiplegia, crooked mouth, difficulty speaking or inability to speak, dizziness, sudden loss of balance, severe headache of unknown cause, etc., the patient should be taken to a medical facility specializing in stroke immediately for timely emergency treatment.
In addition, young people need to pay attention to maintaining a scientific lifestyle, limit staying up late, avoid prolonged stress, eat lots of vegetables and fruits, do not use foods high in fat, cholesterol and fat; reduce or do not drink alcohol, beer, alcoholic beverages, etc. At the same time, create a habit of saying no to stimulants, regularly exercise, examine and treat related diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.
Strokes can happen at any time, and spare no one! Millions of brain cells can be permanently damaged in every minute that passes. Don't delay, seek medical attention immediately if you notice any warning signs.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nam-thanh-nien-21-tuoi-o-phu-tho-dang-khoe-manh-bat-ngo-liet-nua-nguoi-dot-quy-do-nhoi-mau-nao-trong-dem-172250304140304554.htm
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