On the morning of December 28, the Steering Committee for Innovation and Development of Collective Economy and Cooperatives of the province held a conference to review the situation of collective economy and cooperatives in 2023 and the direction and tasks for 2024. Attending the meeting were 120 delegates who are members of the Steering Committee for Innovation and Development of Collective Economy and Cooperatives in the province; representatives of the Standing Committee of the Steering Committees of districts, towns and cities; members of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Cooperative Union and Chairmen of the Board of Directors, Directors of Cooperatives and People's Credit Funds in the province.
According to the report of the Binh Thuan Cooperative Union, in 2023, the whole province had 219 cooperatives, an increase of 5.3% over the same period in 2022, with nearly 50,000 members. Of which, 197 cooperatives were operating, 22 cooperatives stopped or temporarily stopped operating. During the year, 15 new cooperatives were established and 5 cooperatives were dissolved. The total operating capital was 3,832.276 billion VND, revenue in 2023 was estimated at more than 970 billion VND, profit was more than 37 billion VND, an increase of 5.6% over the same period. Some cooperatives have proactively participated in production and consumption chains to create added value. Participate in developing agricultural economy, building new rural areas, implementing social security, political stability, environmental protection...
Regarding the operation of the Steering Committee in 2023, the Provincial Cooperative Union - the specialized agency of the Steering Committee, has coordinated with the Department of Planning and Investment, in addition to doing a good job of advising and proposing the Provincial People's Committee to issue documents; The Cooperative Union has organized 20 training courses on the Law on Cooperatives and the policies of the Party and the State on cooperative economic development for many different subjects; organized 7 training courses on management skills for 485 managers, members and workers in cooperatives. The Provincial Cooperative Union also supports many cooperatives to participate in trade promotion fairs, domestic supply and demand connection conferences; supports connection and consumption of OCOP products of the provinces, etc.
At the conference, members of the Steering Committee, representatives of cooperatives and credit funds in the province discussed and pointed out the difficulties and limitations that cooperatives are facing. Thereby, it is hoped that in 2024, the Steering Committee will create conditions to support cooperatives to access preferential capital sources from policy banks and the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, so that new cooperatives have more opportunities to expand production scale, operate more professionally, increase the value of agricultural products through deep processing, towards the development of sustainable green agriculture. In addition, members of cooperatives also wish to receive proper training, have the opportunity to participate in large-scale trade promotion programs, as well as increase the linkage of production, consumption - processing cooperation and participate in the product value chain more...
To overcome difficulties, as well as to help people understand the nature of the new cooperative model, the benefits of participating in cooperatives in agricultural, rural and farmer development in 2024, the Steering Committee has received opinions from cooperative members and will continue to focus on promoting propaganda work. In addition, it will continue to support cooperatives in participating in trade promotion activities, searching for and expanding product consumption markets, especially dragon fruit and other agricultural products. Gradually merge small-scale cooperatives to form large-scale cooperatives that are competitive enough with other economic types...
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