Bananas are very low in calories, with a 15cm banana having about 90 calories. Furthermore, their high soluble fibre content causes them to absorb water and slow down digestion, according to NDTV.
Bananas are an ideal fruit to include in your daily diet.
Dr Hari Lakshmi, a leading nutritionist at Motherhood Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai (India), explains: The banana diet for weight loss is a mono-nutrient diet. This means eating only one type of food for a few days or weeks.
This diet is a simple way to lose weight without exercise and strict dieting. The main advantage of this diet is that it helps you lose weight quickly.
Yulia Tarbath, a renowned Indian nutritionist, tried a 12-day banana-only diet to detoxify her body and lose weight naturally. The results showed that this diet can actually help with weight loss, according to NDTV.
Research shows that eating only bananas can help you lose weight
Banana diet menu for 3 days to lose weight
The banana diet is quite popular now, as it helps to lose weight quickly, with the following plan:
Eat 3-5 bananas and drink 3-4 glasses of unsweetened fresh milk every day. Specifically, eat 1 banana, drink 1 glass of milk. After 2 hours, eat another banana, wait about half an hour and drink another glass of milk. Eat the last banana before 8 p.m., according to the health news site Better Me .
You can also have banana and milk smoothies to diversify your meal plan.
What should be noted when applying the banana diet to lose weight?
However, Dr. Lakshmi notes that this is not a healthy way to lose weight. This type of diet is usually only done for a short time to start the weight loss journey, and then must switch to other diets to continue to maintain weight in the long term, according to Health Shots .
The one-food diet can cause nutrient deficiencies, leading to malnutrition, muscle loss, and a slowing of the metabolism. This means you will have difficulty losing weight in the long term and will easily gain it back when you eat normally, according to Health Shots .
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