On July 17, after the Ministry of Education and Training announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores, Thanh Hoa had a candidate, To Thi Dieu in village 3, Quang Thai commune, Quang Xuong district - a student of Quang Xuong 4 High School, who became the valedictorian of block C (along with 18 other candidates nationwide who were valedictorians of block C in the 2024 high school graduation exam) with a score of 29.75 (including Literature 9.75; History 10; Geography 10).
To Thi Dieu - a student of Quang Xuong 4 High School, Thanh Hoa province, is one of the 19 national valedictorians of group C of the 2024 high school graduation exam with a score of 29.75.
Sharing with Dan Viet newspaper reporter, To Thi Dieu said: "I woke up very early this morning to prepare to check my scores. After checking my scores, I was very happy that I got the score as expected. But it wasn't until noon that I found out that I was one of 19 candidates who were valedictorians of block C with a score of 29.75."
According to To Thi Dieu, among the 3 subjects in block C, she likes Literature the most, so she took the exam and passed the entrance exam to Hanoi Pedagogical University, Faculty of Literature using the competency assessment method.
According to Dieu, to learn or do anything in life, you must have a goal. First, you set a goal for yourself to do this, to do that for yourself and try your best to do it.
The valedictorian of block C of the 2024 high school exam in Thanh Hoa is To Thi Dieu. She comes from a difficult background and her father died early.
"At first, when I entered grade 10, I followed the A block, then I met a teacher who revived my dream of pursuing the C block. That was Ms. Pham Thi Oanh (Literature teacher at Quang Xuong 4 school). She reoriented me to return to my passion," said To Thi Dieu.
Talking to reporters, Mr. Le Van Tuan, Principal of Quang Xuong 4 High School, said that To Thi Dieu has difficult circumstances, her father passed away early, but she always strives to excel in her studies.
It is known that in the 2024 high school graduation exam, Thanh Hoa province has about 39,000 candidates registered for the exam; there are nearly 1,500 independent candidates. Candidates registered for the Natural Science exam are 9,508; Social Science exam is 28,174.
Source: https://danviet.vn/thu-khoa-khoi-c-ky-thi-thpt-2024-bo-mat-som-co-hoan-canh-kho-khan-20240717115021006.htm
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