After the phenomenon of fake candidates and scammers getting high HSA scores, the Chairman of the HSA Competency Assessment Council of Hanoi National University advised students not to fall into the trap of short-term exam preparation classes.
In the past two days, on exam preparation groups, some fake accounts have shown off their very high scores in the Hanoi National University HSA Aptitude Test, Round 1, 2025 (Round 501). Professor Nguyen Tien Thao, Chairman of the HSA Examination Council, confirmed that this was a fake, fraudulent act of high HSA exam scores, aiming to attract students to exam preparation classes.
Checking candidates before entering the exam room at HSA aptitude test round 501
Fraudulent ads
Right after the first exam ended yesterday morning, March 15, on a test preparation group on the social networking platform Facebook, a fake account posted: "Release 135 points for everyone" (implying that he got 135 points, posting it on social media to spread the luck of getting a high score).
Another account showed off more specifically, he took the exam (in batch 501) and got 126 points, including 49 in English, 39 in literature and 38 in math. This "candidate" introduced quite meticulously the content of the exam that he encountered in batch 501 such as math had many functions, probability, oxyz and about 9-10 parameter questions; literature had a lot of new poetry; English was easier than the sample exam. Then this account also added that the structure of the exam that he did was similar to which exam preparation materials, exam questions from which exam preparation classes...
A fake candidate cheated and got 126 points in the morning exam on March 15, while no one else got more than 122 points in that exam.
According to Professor Nguyen Tien Thao, the above boasting is actually a scam. For example, with the "126-point candidate", the information was posted right after the first exam session (morning of March 15), while the candidate with the highest score in the morning session of March 15 was 122 points. On the first day (March 15), the candidate with the highest score was 125 points, the next day (today, March 16) the candidate with the highest score was 126 points.
There are many grounds to believe that the above accounts are fake, advertising exam preparation or buying exam preparation materials. "The exam content that they boast of fake high scores on is actually introduced in the review outline that Hanoi National University has introduced on the HSA website. Students do not need to take the exam but have learned about the HSA exam and know it," said Professor Nguyen Tien Thao.
Don't get bogged down in short-term exam preparation groups.
Professor Nguyen Tien Thao also added that the HSA assessment test of Hanoi National University was designed based on modern measurement testing science. From 2025, the content and structure of the test will be suitable for the candidates according to the new general education program.
Candidates must complete two compulsory sections: mathematics and data processing (50 questions, 75 minutes), literature - language (50 questions, 60 minutes) and an optional section of science or English (50 questions, 60 minutes). For the optional section of science, candidates must choose 3 out of 5 topics in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, history and geography.
The structure of the exam and the content of the exam questions are distributed from grade 10 to grade 12 at the ratio of 10 - 15%, 30 - 40%, 50 - 60% respectively. Short-term review is not very effective for candidates. "Candidates should have a scientific and systematic study and review plan instead of getting bogged down in exam preparation groups promoted on different social networking platforms," Professor Nguyen Tien Thao advised.
The 501st HSA assessment exam was held on March 15 and 16, with many exam sessions, at 8 exam locations in Hanoi, Thai Binh, and Nam Dinh. There were 10,958 candidates taking the exam (the exam attendance rate was 99.4% compared to registered candidates). There was 1 candidate who was disciplined (suspended from the exam).
The next exam (round 502) will take place on March 29 and 30 in Hanoi, Hai Duong, Thai Nguyen, Hung Yen, Thai Binh, Thanh Hoa, Ha Tinh, with nearly 20,000 students registering.
From 2024 onwards, the exam organizers will apply image recognition technology to candidates coming to take the exam. Candidates must present their ID card matching the information in their application and have their image recognized to be eligible to take the exam.
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