Organized 13 working delegations to work with provincial and municipal Party Committees on the implementation of Directive No. 14-CT/TW
Attending the conference, on behalf of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, there were Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Vietnam Lawyers Association; Mr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President, General Secretary of the Vietnam Lawyers Association; Ms. Le Thi Kim Thanh, Member of the Party Committee, Vice President of the Vietnam Lawyers Association; Mr. Tran Duc Long, Member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President of the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
On the side of Da Nang City, there was Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, Secretary of the Da Nang City Party Committee, along with representatives of many departments and branches.
Also attending the conference were members of the Standing Committee, members of the Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, leaders of the Professional Departments and the Central Office of the Association; Standing Committees of Lawyers Associations of provinces and cities, Branches under the Central Association, representatives of the leaders of the Offices of Lawyers Associations of provinces and cities under the Central Association.
Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen, Party Secretary, President of Vietnam Lawyers Association spoke at the conference.
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Quyen, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, said that in 2023, the Party Committee, Executive Committee, Standing Committee and Central Standing Committee of the Vietnam Lawyers Association promptly led and directed all levels of the Association to organize the study and dissemination of the Party's guidelines and viewpoints; policies and laws of the State; continue to organize the dissemination and implementation of the Party and State's directive documents on the work of the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
In particular, Directive No. 14-CT/TW dated July 1, 2022 of the Politburo on continuing to strengthen the Party's leadership over the Vietnam Lawyers Association in the new situation.
The highlight in 2023 is that the Party Delegation organized 13 working delegations with provincial and municipal Party Committees on the implementation of Directive No. 14-CT/TW of the Politburo.
Up to now, it can be said that most provincial and municipal Party Committees, Party Delegations, Party Executive Committees of ministries, branches and organizations at the Central level have issued documents to implement this important Directive.
After a year of hard work, all levels of the association and all members of the Vietnam Lawyers Association have achieved important results in all areas of work.
Professional aspects such as: Participation in policy and law making; Legal consultancy and legal aid; Legal dissemination and education are of interest to all levels of the association, promoted and well implemented. The results show that many aspects of professional activities have increased compared to 2022.
The organization, staff and membership work has been put into order, contributing to improving the quality of the association and its members. Other aspects of work have also been implemented synchronously and achieved many positive results.
Thereby, continuing to enhance the role and position of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, a political - social - professional organization of lawyers in the social life of the country.
“2024 is the last year we implement the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, a decisive year for the completion of the targets and tasks set out in our Congress Resolution.
Therefore, all levels of the association and members of the Lawyers Association must strive together, promote the spirit of initiative and creativity, closely follow the assigned tasks to develop specific action plans right from the beginning of the year and compete to successfully carry out the tasks and goals set for 2024", Mr. Quyen emphasized.
Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, Secretary of Da Nang City congratulated and highly appreciated the outstanding results and achievements of the Vietnam Lawyers Association in recent times.
Speaking at the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, Secretary of Da Nang City, congratulated and highly appreciated the outstanding results and achievements of the Vietnam Lawyers Association in recent times, especially the work of participating in policy and law making has been promoted and the quality has been increasingly improved.
The Vietnam Lawyers Association has also organized many scientific seminars, discussions, and conferences to provide critical comments on draft legal documents; summarize difficulties and obstacles, and propose amendments, supplements, and improvements to institutions and laws to meet the practical requirements of social life.
Legal consultancy and legal aid work focuses on the grassroots level, paying attention to policy beneficiaries and vulnerable people in society. In addition, innovating the content and form of legal dissemination and education, focusing on policies and laws that are of interest to public opinion, creating consensus and consistency in implementing the Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's laws...
Vietnam Lawyers Association presents souvenir gifts to Secretary of Da Nang City Party Committee.
Also according to Mr. Quang, the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee issued Plan No. 97-KH/TU dated December 21, 2022 on implementing Directive No. 14-CT/TW of the Politburo on continuing to strengthen the Party's leadership over the Vietnam Lawyers Association in the new situation to promote the role of the Association at all levels, and members of the Lawyers Association actively participate in political and legal activities to effectively implement the Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's policies and laws.
The Da Nang Bar Association has proactively and actively participated in law-making, supervising law enforcement, and giving opinions on many important projects and draft laws.
In addition, coordinate with the city's functional agencies to organize free legal advice and legal aid, advice on resolving complaints, and mediation at the grassroots level. Also, coordinate with the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee to receive citizens and handle many complicated petitions, letters, and outstanding cases; thereby, contributing to propaganda, raising people's legal awareness, maintaining security and order, and creating conditions for the city's socio-economic development.
On December 29, in Da Nang City, the Vietnam Lawyers Association held a conference to review the Association's work in 2023 and deploy the Association's work in 2024.
Mr. Quang hopes that the Vietnam Lawyers Association will continue to coordinate with the city in performing a number of legal consultancy and legal aid tasks. Participate in public reception, dispute resolution outside of court, and mediation at the grassroots level.
In particular, support and coordinate with city agencies in handling complicated cases related to legal factors, administrative complaints related to foreign factors...
Directions and tasks for 2024
The Draft Report on the Summary of the Association's Work in 2023 and the Direction and Tasks of the Association's Work in 2024 presented by Mr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, reviewed the important results achieved by the Associations at all levels across the country in the past year.
Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Lawyers Association Tran Cong Phan said that in 2023, the Association achieved many achievements.
Mr. Phan stated that in 2023, under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, the Standing Committee, the Standing Committee and from the practical requirements of implementing the political tasks of the Association and of localities and units, the Lawyers' Associations under the Central Association and the Lawyers' Associations of provinces and cities have developed and issued many specific projects and action plans.
The study, understanding and implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and policies; and the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle continue to be promoted.
In particular, leaders of units have seriously studied and learned the book by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong "Resolutely and persistently fight against corruption and negativity, contributing to building our Party and State increasingly clean and strong"...
The role and position of the Bar Associations of provinces, cities and all levels are increasingly affirmed, creating trust for the Party Committees, authorities and people. The majority of Bar Associations of provinces and cities have received attention and created favorable conditions in terms of facilities, operating budget, staffing and task assignment from the People's Committees of provinces and cities and local departments and branches.
The organization system of the Bar Association at all levels and the number of members are growing in both quantity and quality.
The conference received the attention of many delegates.
The leadership and direction of the implementation of Directive No. 14-CT/TW of the Politburo has been focused on by Party committees and local authorities and implemented synchronously throughout the entire system.
Professional aspects such as participation in policy and law making; legal consultancy and legal aid; and legal dissemination and education are of interest to all levels of the association, promoted and well implemented.
Data shows that some aspects of activities increased compared to 2022. Organizational work, staff and members were put into order, contributing to improving the quality of the association and its members. Other aspects of work were also implemented synchronously and achieved certain results.
The conference heard many delegates from the Lawyers Associations of provinces, cities, units and branches under the Central Association present their papers sharing practical experiences in their units, advantages and difficulties, and making recommendations and proposals that need to be implemented in the coming time, especially those related to the implementation of the Association's professional tasks.
Mr. Tran Duc Long, Vice President of the Association, Permanent Vice President of the Emulation and Reward Council of the Vietnam Lawyers Association presented a report summarizing the Emulation and Reward work in 2023 of the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
The conference also heard Mr. Tran Duc Long, Member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President of the Association , Permanent Vice President of the Emulation and Reward Council of the Vietnam Lawyers Association present a report summarizing the Emulation and Reward work in 2023 of the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
The conference also set out directions and tasks that the Association at all levels need to focus on implementing in 2024, such as: The Central Association and all levels of lawyers' associations nationwide need to continue to research, thoroughly grasp, and effectively implement the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws of the State and local Party committees and authorities.
Many units were awarded emulation flags by the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
In particular, focusing on implementing Party and State documents on the work of the Lawyers Association such as Directive No. 14-CT/TW of the Politburo, Decision 118-QD/TW... on the basis of programs, plans, and instructions of the National Assembly Party Committee, the Government Party Committee, the Vietnam Lawyers Association Party Committee and local Party committees and authorities.
At the same time, continue to implement Plan No. 118-QD/DD dated March 10, 2023 of the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Lawyers Association on implementing Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated November 9, 2022 of the 6th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee on continuing to build and perfect the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam in the new period.
Many units received certificates of merit from the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
Focus on implementing Instruction No. 188/HD-BCĐ of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Lawyers Association on organizing the Congress of Lawyers of provinces, cities, and Central Lawyers Associations towards the 14th National Congress of Delegates of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, term 2024-2029.
The Central Committee of the Association continues to carry out the task of participating in the development of legal policies according to the programs of the National Assembly, the Government and the Ministries and branches, focusing on a number of important legal documents to prepare opinions for the Association's leaders to speak at the National Assembly sessions.
Local associations continue to perform their tasks of participating in policy and law making based on plans and instructions from the Central Association and requirements from departments, branches, Party committees and local authorities.
Proactively organize conferences, seminars, and discussions to contribute ideas to build policies and laws according to the National Assembly's Law and Ordinance building program; the Program for building legal documents of the Government, Ministries, branches, and localities and according to the plan set forth by the Central Association for 2024.
Individuals receiving certificates of merit from the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
Strengthen coordination between the Law Research, Development and Dissemination Board and units under the Central Association, provincial and municipal associations in organizing conferences, seminars, discussions, contributing opinions and synthesizing opinions of associations at all levels and members participating in the development of legal policies.
The Central Association continues to actively and effectively participate in drafting committees and editorial teams of draft laws and programs and projects of the Government and ministries, departments and branches at the Central level and implement the tasks of the plan to build a dossier to propose the development of the Law on Commercial Arbitration (amended).
The Association at all levels continues to promote legal consultancy and legal aid; participate in resolving complaints, denunciations and mediation at the grassroots level. Promote the role of the Association at all levels in disseminating and educating the law. Implement the Project "Promoting the role of the Lawyers Association at all levels in disseminating and educating the law in the period 2024-2030" when approved by the Prime Minister.
Implement programs and plans within the framework of programs that the Vietnam Lawyers Association has signed with ministries, departments, branches and other organizations, focusing on activities within the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Justice.
In 2024, implement the Project "Building a set of people's assessment indexes for judicial activities", pilot a survey of people's opinions on judicial activities and continue to develop the Project "Summary and evaluation of the people's defense lawyer institution to find solutions in the coming time"...
Mr. Dam Thanh Tuan, Deputy Chief of Office of Vietnam Lawyers Association.
Also at the conference, Mr. Dam Thanh Tuan, Deputy Chief of Office of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, announced the awards. The Emulation and Reward Council of the Vietnam Lawyers Association summarized the emulation and reward work in 2023 and announced the results of the emulation and reward work in 2023.
The conference listened to Mr. Tran Duc Long, Member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President of the Vietnam Lawyers Association launch the emulation movement of the Vietnam Lawyers Association in 2024, with special attention to welcoming the Congresses of the Lawyers Association at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Vietnam Lawyers Association, term 2024-2029 and towards the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Lawyers Association (April 4, 1955 - April 4, 2025); the 4th Patriotic Emulation Congress of the Vietnam Lawyers Association.
Delegates take souvenir photos.
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