No intention of making money from singing
- "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" is probably a very special experience that is very different from Thanh Van Hugo's previous experiences?
The beautiful sister who rides the wind and breaks the waves is the most special experience I have ever had because before that I was only familiar with hosting shows. Regarding singing, I released a music video in 2015 but it was too long ago. The memories I cannot forget when participating in this program are the times when the sisters confided in each other, ate together in the communal house or went on a cruise together. Those are the things I feel happy about when recalling the time I participated in this program.
Van Hugo had a great experience participating in "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves".
- Recently, Van Hugo has appeared in many programs. Is this a sign that you will return to showbiz and entertainment activities strongly after giving birth?
It is true that recently many new programs have invited me to host. It seems that I have a natural talent for this profession, so everyone loves me. That makes me very emotional and proud because after giving birth, I quickly regained my figure and soon returned to the routine of work. It is truly wonderful for women to be able to work independently and do the work they love.
The female MC is always optimistic and cheerful, receiving many invitations to host programs.
- Will you continue to work in the fields of education, MC and do you intend to enter the singing field after participating in "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves"?
My main job is still in the education field. MCing is my side job. Besides, singing is not my priority. I only sing for close friends for fun and have no intention of making money from singing.
Don't come to anyone for material things.
- The audience is curious about your upcoming wedding....
My wedding will be in early January, only a few weeks away so I am very busy preparing. I carefully write each wedding invitation, prepare every little gift to send to everyone. Before, I had a wedding without knowing who the guests would be, but now it is different, I know who all the people I want to invite. Even though I invited a few, they are all quality, close friends who really want to bless me. That is what makes me feel the happiest.
Van Hugo and her husband will hold their wedding ceremony in January 2024.
- Having failed in love and having difficulty opening up, what kind of man is he to make you brave enough to enter marriage again?
When you stumble once, as people say, "birds are afraid of bent branches." Now, I will probably choose sturdy trees and not be foolish like when I was young. For now, I can only say that he is a very responsible, stable person, most importantly, warm, kind, and honest. Those are the things I love most about him.
- Is he as rich as people say?
When I came to him, I had everything. I didn't come to anyone for money or material things because I could take care of myself. The most important thing is that two people feel compatible with each other and have the same values in life. Of course, every family will have arguments. In my family, if someone is wrong, that person will take the initiative to make up first, not someone who always takes the initiative to give in. I also know how to balance, "when the rice boils, reduce the heat" to maintain harmony in the family.
The couple recently took wedding photos in Australia.
- You two have been through a broken marriage, do you have difficulty in the relationship between your biological children and your stepchildren?
My family has the most complicated model in society, with your children, my children, and our children. But I don't find it complicated at all. Because our children always love their parents. I always say that they are very lucky to have two parents watching over them, loving them, and taking care of them. I always look at the bright side of things so that they feel that they never lack the love of themselves and their other half.
The way we communicate to our children will determine their emotions and thoughts. If we are negative, they will be negative. If we are positive, our children will also receive the same energy. My husband's children are the same, they always like my positive, happy energy. I believe that a happy person is always loved.
The female MC lives happily and optimistically every day.
For me, every day is the last day.
- The current Van Hugo seems very different from before, what do you think has changed the most about yourself?
Anyone who knows me can see that I am very different from before in that I am much more positive. Before, I was young, did not know how to pick myself up, so I often fell into a state of prolonged depression. That is the price of youth, thinking back, I do not regret it. I am grateful for those times. There must be times when I see the darkness to appreciate the light. I have the view that life must have ups and downs to be interesting, to make my personality more interesting. If life was all ups or all downs, it would be very boring.
- Currently, many people admire Van Hugo, even consider her as a motivation to have faith in finding happiness. What do you want to say to women in similar situations?
I am very happy to be an inspiration, especially to single mothers. When the MV called Single Mom was released, I thought that one day I would sing a song called Happy Mom . Now that has come true. I always believe in the law of attraction, when I live towards good things, I will never receive bad results. I also had to change my life a lot to be able to have today.
Van Hugo is satisfied with her current life.
- Are you satisfied with your current life?
I am very satisfied, feeling grateful because every day that passes by is a blessing to me. I will always live in a state of gratitude to feel happy. For me, every day is the last day, every day I want it to be as bustling as a festival. Every day I want to find the smallest joy in every minute of life.
That is also my secret to an optimistic life. Even in my saddest moments, I always think that tomorrow this feeling will be better, I will definitely overcome this sadness.
(Source: Vietnamnet)
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