Faced with the huge challenges from the development of social networks and the 4.0 industrial revolution, what should Party newspapers do to both promote their core role in orienting public opinion, the Party's sharp weapon on the ideological front, and meet the increasingly rich and diverse needs of readers, listeners, and viewers?
Thanh Hoa Newspaper reporter interviews witnesses participating in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign. Photo: Tran Thanh
In response to the new situation and requirements, implementing the Resolution of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo on the establishment of local Party newspapers, in early February 1962, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution No. 18 NQ/TU on the issue of publishing a newspaper of the Provincial Party Committee. With careful preparation in all aspects, on March 20, 1962, the first issue of Thanh Hoa Doi Moi Newspaper was published. By May 1966, Thanh Hoa Doi Moi Newspaper was renamed Thanh Hoa Newspaper. Since then, March 20 has become the traditional day of Thanh Hoa Newspaper - the mouthpiece of the Provincial Party Committee, the voice of the Party Committee, the government and the people of Thanh Hoa.
On the 62-year journey of construction and development, Thanh Hoa Newspaper has constantly innovated to meet the requirements of the Party's political and ideological work in the revolutionary stages. During the resistance war, with the spirit of the Ho Chi Minh era, with the spirit of "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom"; "All for the South, for socialism, determined to defeat the American invaders" has always been the main tone in each news, article, and photo on the newspaper pages; promptly encouraging and motivating cadres, party members and people of all walks of life to compete in production and combat. Right in the early period, due to its concern for both praise and criticism, Thanh Hoa Newspaper had 3 articles that received a letter of praise from Uncle Ho. Uncle Ho's close attention to the newspaper of a local party committee and specific articles became a great source of encouragement and motivation for generations of Thanh Hoa Newspaper employees.
In the period of innovation, with the attention of the province, along with the right investment in technology, the team of Thanh Hoa Newspaper staff has grown. Thanh Hoa Newspaper has affirmed its role as the province's main press agency, providing official, reliable, accurate and responsive information sources, taking the lead in orienting public opinion, actively fighting against bad and toxic information, criticizing negative social phenomena, promoting patriotic emulation movements, serving well the political tasks and needs of readers.
However, like other press agencies, Thanh Hoa Newspaper has to face many difficulties and challenges from the strong development of social networking platforms and new communication methods in a flat world. The urgent requirement is to change the mindset of journalism to promote the role and capacity of revolutionary journalism in the diverse flow of information, press products must be easily accessible to users, creating an active public community.
Comrade Dao Xuan Yen, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, congratulated Thanh Hoa Newspaper, the Provincial Radio and Television Station, and the authors and groups of authors who won the 8th Golden Hammer and Sickle Award in 2023. Photo: Tran Thanh
For that reason, Thanh Hoa Newspaper has actively innovated and created in management, production and publishing processes, quickly adapting to digital transformation. Thanh Hoa Newspaper is one of the local party newspapers that put into operation early a converging editorial office with all types of print newspapers, electronic newspapers, television, and radio on digital infrastructures, with the motto "wherever readers are, there is the press". At the same time, digitalizing the management of the publishing process, internal administration activities of the editorial office, and two-way interaction activities with readers. In its development strategy, Thanh Hoa Newspaper identifies printed publications as the mainstay, electronic newspaper products as the spearhead. Information selected for publication in daily, weekend, monthly printed newspaper products or on electronic newspapers, specialized electronic pages on culture and life are all aimed at reaching a diverse audience of readers, listeners, and viewers, to meet the different needs of users. Thanh Hoa Newspaper's press products are diversified in propaganda channels towards multi-content, multi-platform and are spread strongly and quickly on social networking platforms Facebook, Zalo, YouTube, Tiktok, contributing to the good implementation of political tasks, while meeting the increasingly diverse needs of readers, listeners and viewers.
Thanh Hoa Newspaper has attached importance to training and fostering human resources to apply new techniques in the production of press works, developing a variety of new products integrating multimedia, visual, vivid (combining images and sounds), publishing paper newspapers in PDF format on electronic newspapers for the convenience of readers. Many events have been organized by the newspaper, updated online and broadcast live on electronic newspapers and digital infrastructures. According to statistics from a number of prestigious rating and ranking organizations, in 2023 Thanh Hoa Newspaper was ranked in the top 10 local Party newspapers with the highest number of readers nationwide.
Along with strong digital transformation, Thanh Hoa Newspaper has focused on creating high-quality works with good social effects. Pioneering in information, propaganda, and orienting public opinion on important political, economic, social, defense, security, foreign affairs tasks of the province and the country. Paying attention to praising good people, good deeds, advanced models, good practices, and new models. For negative issues, the newspaper does not avoid but analyzes and reports in a constructive direction. For issues of public concern, the newspaper provides multi-dimensional information, serving as a bridge to convey thoughts, opinions, and suggestions from the People to Party committees and authorities and responses from Party committees and authorities to readers, to create understanding and unity. The main information flow that newspapers bring to readers, listeners, and viewers is positive, accurate information, fighting against bad, toxic, negative information, leading and orienting public opinion towards good things to create consensus, creating trust of society and people in the cause of building and developing the country, in the leadership of our Party.
Deeply imbued with the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh: “Journalists are also revolutionary soldiers. Pens and paper are their sharp weapons”..., Thanh Hoa Newspaper staff always strive to maintain “Bright eyes – Pure hearts – Sharp pens” to be worthy of the traditions that previous generations have worked hard to cultivate; constantly innovate, constantly create to adapt to the new development trends of media in the digital age, determined to build Thanh Hoa Newspaper into a multimedia press agency, the province’s main force, a pioneer on the information and ideological front to fulfill the glorious mission of revolutionary journalism.
Viet Linh
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