Development vision
Hanoi is not only the center of political, economic, cultural and educational activities but also a symbol of the country's development, solidarity and prosperity and is considered the heart of the country, where all important aspects of life converge and spread nationwide. In Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW of the 11th Politburo on the direction and tasks of developing the capital Hanoi in the period of 2011-2020, many outstanding achievements have been achieved, making important contributions to the cause of national construction and defense. The economy has maintained a fairly good growth rate, reaching an average of 6.83%/year; GRDP/person in 2020 reached 5,325 USD, 2.3 times higher than in 2010.
However, in addition to the results and achievements, in Resolution No. 15-NQ/TW on the direction and tasks of developing Hanoi Capital to 2030, with a vision to 2045 issued by the Politburo, the Politburo pointed out: Hanoi has not yet clearly demonstrated its role as the center, driving force for growth and development of the Red River Delta, the key economic region of the North and the whole country. Competitiveness is still low, especially compared to the region and the world. Economic and social infrastructure development has not met requirements; planning, planning management, land management, construction, urban development, traffic order and safety, and environmental protection are still limited; economic, social and urban development are not comprehensive and lack synchronization. Cultural and social development and human development of Hanoi have not really been commensurate with the role, position, potential and historical - cultural foundation of the thousand-year civilization of the Capital.
Therefore, in Resolution 15, the Politburo determined the goal that by 2030, Hanoi Capital will be a "Cultured - Civilized - Modern" city, becoming the center and driving force for the development of the Red River Delta, the key economic region of the North and the whole country. Deeply integrating internationally, having high competitiveness with the region and the world, striving to develop on par with the capitals of developed countries in the region. The average GRDP growth rate in the period of 2021-2025 is higher than the average growth rate of the whole country; GRDP in the period of 2026-2030 increases by 8.0-8.5%/year; GRDP per capita reaches 12,000-13,000 USD.
In terms of vision to 2045, Hanoi Capital will be a globally connected city with a high standard of living and quality of life, with GRDP/capita reaching over 36,000 USD; comprehensive, unique and harmonious economic, cultural and social development; typical of the whole country; with a development level on par with the capitals of developed countries in the region and the world.
So, to achieve the above goal, truly special mechanisms are needed so that the Capital can reach its potential. That is being raised in the revised Capital Law project that is being commented on and considered for approval by the National Assembly at the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly on June 27. In addition, along with the revised Capital Law project, the Hanoi Capital Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, and the Adjustment of the Hanoi Capital Master Plan to 2045, with a vision to 2065, are also being submitted to the National Assembly for comments at the 7th Session.
"Unleash" the machine and people
However, what mechanisms are there to truly “untie” the capital, to remove difficulties for Hanoi to break through is a matter of concern. Perhaps, the first issue that needs to be resolved is the apparatus, and people - the decisive factors for success or failure.
National Assembly Deputy Tran Chi Cuong (Da Nang Delegation) said that it is very necessary to give the city the initiative in deciding and taking responsibility for ensuring conditions for implementation in establishing, reorganizing, and dissolving specialized agencies and administrative organizations under the city and district governments to have a flexible and effective organizational structure, suitable to management requirements in each stage.
According to National Assembly Deputy Khuong Thi Mai (Nam Dinh Delegation), the draft revised Law on the Capital has many contents showing the strengthening of decentralization and strong delegation of power to the Hanoi City government in a number of areas, promptly institutionalizing the direction and conclusions of the Central Government and the Politburo. This decentralization and delegation of power is the legal basis and allows the Hanoi City government to be more proactive and decisive in innovating, arranging, and organizing the government apparatus in a streamlined, reasonable, modern, effective and efficient manner to undertake the assigned tasks and powers as required by the Politburo.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ta Dinh Thi - Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment said that the regulations on science, technology and innovation development policies in the draft law are truly outstanding and breakthrough policy contents. The outstandingness, according to Mr. Thi, lies in allowing universities, vocational training institutions, and other public science and technology organizations in Hanoi to establish enterprises and allowing officials working at those organizations to participate in the management and operation of enterprises with the consent of the heads of those organizations.
Based on current reality, universities as well as science and technology establishments, institutes and schools have a huge potential to form a circular ecosystem between research, transfer and commercialization of products. At the same time, reinvest in research and development, especially maximizing the great scientific and technological potential of the Capital.
“Currently, the capital is home to 80% of public universities and scientific and technological organizations and 70% of the total number of scientists with doctoral degrees or higher in the country. We have a very rapid development of the university model of startups and innovation. Currently, with the rapid development of science and technology, the product life cycle as well as the production cycle is very fast. These regulations ensure that we keep up with that trend,” said Mr. Thi.
Also related to the human factor, National Assembly Deputy Tran Thi Van (Bac Ninh Delegation) said that the regulation allows Hanoi's public preschool and general education institutions to conduct educational cooperation with foreign educational institutions, which not only helps students integrate right in their own country, but also helps teachers have the opportunity to access advanced teaching methods and parents reduce costs instead of sending their children to study abroad.
Controlled testing, priority power cut-off
Controlled testing is also a new content considered a breakthrough for Hanoi this time. National Assembly Deputy Pham Trong Nghia (Lang Son Delegation) highly appreciated the controlled testing mechanism. This is the first regulation at the law level, regulating this extremely important issue, responding to the demand for scientific and technological development.
A prominent issue that has received attention and agreement lies in the regulation that allows, in cases where it is absolutely necessary to ensure security, order, and social safety in Hanoi, the Chairman of the People's Committee at all levels can apply measures to request the suspension of electricity and water supply to construction works and production and business establishments.
According to National Assembly Deputy Le Hoang Hai (Dong Nai Delegation), recently, Hanoi has also experienced a number of tragic incidents related to fires in residential buildings, production and business establishments, causing huge losses in human lives and property. Therefore, if violations are not strongly resolved, it will be difficult to control the damage that will occur. Stopping the supply of electricity and water services is not the strongest and most radical measure, but with the very high requirements for social order and safety in the capital, this is a necessary and priority measure. This is considered an initial precautionary step, demonstrating the commitment and responsibility of all parties in ensuring safety and order in the city.
Regarding the cutting off of electricity and water for violating constructions, Mr. Tran Sy Thanh - Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee said that this is an extremely urgent issue. For example, with constructions that exceed the number of floors and do not have fire protection, the best way to stop violations is to cut off electricity and water, and not to start construction until people have moved in. The solution is to handle the situation before people move in. Because if people have moved in, it will be difficult to move them out. Therefore, for these violations, electricity and water must be cut off so that people cannot move in. "This right is not given arbitrarily, but only for the Commune Chairman and District Chairman to decide. This right is aimed at protecting people's lives," said Mr. Thanh.
Article 6 of Regulation No. 131-QD/TW clearly states: Responsibilities of leaders, heads of inspection, auditing agencies, organizations and related individuals when not performing the acts specified in Article 4. Article 7 of the Regulation states the responsibilities of other organizations and individuals. It emphasizes: Strictly prohibiting the following acts: Illegal interference in inspection, supervision, party discipline enforcement, inspection and auditing activities; taking advantage of one's influence to influence those performing inspection, supervision, party discipline enforcement, inspection and auditing tasks. Establishing relationships to bribe or buy off responsible persons, positions, powers or related persons for the purpose of escaping punishment or evading responsibility for violators. Taking advantage of one's position, authority or using one's own and one's family's prestige and influence to suggest, influence, or put pressure on competent persons to make decisions or advise, propose, comment, evaluate, or vote on conclusions or decisions on inspection, supervision, party discipline enforcement, inspection, or auditing that are not true to the nature of the matter. Reporting false, dishonest, incomplete, untimely, or unobjective information related to inspection, supervision, party discipline enforcement, inspection, or auditing. Other acts of corruption and negative behavior related to inspection, supervision, party discipline enforcement, inspection, or auditing.
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