When installing fog lights for cars, car owners need to pay attention to some regulations to avoid failing vehicle inspection.
According to Giao Thong Newspaper, many car owners choose to install additional fog lights to increase lighting when driving at night or when traveling on mountain passes, in foggy weather, and limited visibility.
This is considered a necessary requirement to ensure traffic safety, and the installation does not change the structure of the vehicle.
The National Technical Regulation on motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, and four-wheeled cargo vehicles with engines in technical safety inspection and environmental protection (QCVN 122:2024) also clearly states that motor vehicles are allowed to be installed with additional fog lights.
However, vehicle owners need to note that there are 5 mistakes when installing fog lights that can cause the car to fail the vehicle inspection.
Including: Installation location is more than 400mm from the outer edge of the vehicle and the height is less than 250mm; light is not white or yellow; number of lights is not 2 and not symmetrical; not on/off independently from the front lights; installed above the front lights.
Thus, in case of installing additional fog lights, the car owner needs to choose a reputable garage, when installing, make sure the position is not more than 400mm from the outer edge of the car and the height is not lower than 250mm and must be above the front lights.
The number must be 2 lights installed symmetrically, with white or yellow light. The on/off must be independent of the front light.
According to the representative of the inspection center, fog lights with the same switch as the headlights are very dangerous when used, especially when traveling in the city, on roads other than highways such as village roads, district roads, provincial roads, national highways...
The reason is that the light emitted simultaneously from these two types of lights will cause glare, even temporary blindness, for oncoming traffic participants, reducing visibility, leading to the risk of traffic accidents.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/5-loi-lap-den-suong-mu-khien-o-to-truot-dang-kiem-192250120170549632.htm
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