Oranges are sweet and sour and are known for their high vitamin C content. Most of us throw away the orange peel. However, this peel contains many nutrients that are very beneficial to health.
Orange peels are a rich source of fiber, especially the soluble fiber pectin. This type of fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve digestive health, according to the health website Medical News Today (UK).
Orange peel and flesh have many wonderful health benefits.
100 grams of orange peel contains about 97 calories, 1.5 grams of vegetable protein, 160 grams of calcium, 22 mg of magnesium, 212 mg of potassium, 136 mg of vitamin C and many other nutrients. Orange peel can be made into jam, dried or washed and boiled to make a drink.
Health benefits of orange peel include:
Improve heart health
Nutrients in orange peels can alter the gut microbiota and help prevent atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs when cholesterol builds up in plaque on artery walls, which can cause blockages and lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Control bowel movements
Orange peels help control bowel movements and aid digestion thanks to their high fiber content. This can help improve digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, the soluble fiber pectin in orange peels can help promote beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
Promote weight loss
Oranges are a great food for a weight loss diet. Not only are they low in calories, they are also rich in vitamins, which can help reduce the risk of nutritional deficiencies when dieting. The high amount of vitamin C in oranges also helps burn fat. The peel of an orange has the same weight loss benefits as the flesh inside.
Reduce the risk of cancer
Some research evidence suggests that a protein called RLIP76 may stimulate the growth of cancer cells. However, flavonoid antioxidants in orange peels have the effect of inhibiting the activity of the protein RLIP76. Not only that, orange peels also contain limonene, which has the effect of reducing the risk of cancer.
Helps whiten teeth
Orange peels contain d-limonene, which can help reduce yellow stains on teeth, including those caused by smoking. Using orange peels for this purpose is simple. People just need to rub the white part of the orange peel on their teeth for 2-3 minutes and then rinse their mouth, doing this twice a day, according to Medical News Today .
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