During the process of national construction and defense, from the revolutionary struggle of our Party, President Ho Chi Minh concluded a profound philosophy: “ Unity, unity, great unity. Success, success, great success ” (1) . President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology of unity is expressed in both theoretical thinking and practical activities; not only within the Party, within the government apparatus, within the Vietnamese nation, but also on a larger scale, that is, solidarity and international cooperation.
During 60 years of revolutionary activities, including 30 years of activities abroad, continuously participating in revolutionary movements and contributing to the common cause of the world revolution; the message of friendship, solidarity and international cooperation was always clearly and deeply expressed by President Ho Chi Minh. His ideology of solidarity reflected the political vision of a great man, the ingenuity of a revolutionary organizer who always put solidarity first. According to his teachings, only "solidarity, great solidarity" can gather forces, form revolutionary organizations, create great strength to turn scientific theories, turn the Party's guidelines and viewpoints into reality and achieve "great success" .
Distinctive features of Ho Chi Minh's thought on foreign affairs
Assessing the contributions of President Ho Chi Minh, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) emphasized: “President Ho Chi Minh is an outstanding symbol of the determination of an entire nation, who devoted his whole life to the cause of national liberation of the Vietnamese people, contributing to the common struggle of nations for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress. President Ho Chi Minh's important contributions in many aspects in the fields of culture, education and art are the crystallization of the thousands of years of cultural tradition of the Vietnamese people and his thoughts are the embodiment of the aspirations of nations in affirming their national identity and representing the promotion of mutual understanding” (2) . International solidarity and cooperation are not only a unique feature of Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic ideology, but also a motto for action to promote understanding and solidarity among nations and peoples in the world.
Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on international solidarity and cooperation stem from his love for people, humanity, and solidarity with all humanity for the goal of liberating oppressed peoples, liberating classes, and liberating people. Throughout his revolutionary career, President Ho Chi Minh always placed the Vietnamese revolution in relation to the world revolutionary movement. In 1920, when attending the 18th Congress of the French Socialist Party in Tours as an Indochina delegate, Nguyen Ai Quoc voted to join the Communist International, becoming a founding member of the French Communist Party. From here, he laid the foundation for solidarity between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the French Communist Party, creating a closer bond between the Vietnamese revolutionary movement and the world revolutionary movement.
During his revolutionary activities in France and Russia, President Ho Chi Minh sought the sympathy and support of the French Communist Party, the Colonial Union, and the Communist International to establish relations with leaders of the world revolutionary movements to support the liberation struggle of colonial peoples in general and Vietnam in particular. During his activities in China, with his clever diplomatic activities, President Ho Chi Minh sought the support of the Chinese Communist Party, including the Kuomintang, and organized a number of activities to facilitate our revolutionary activities, such as establishing the "Overseas Vietnamese Independence League" - the representative body of the Viet Minh Front abroad - to maintain relations with the Chinese Kuomintang and serve as an international liaison for the Vietnamese revolution. With this representative body, the Vietnamese revolution had connections with revolutionary forces in China and Southeast Asian countries.
Thus, it can be seen that Ho Chi Minh's diplomatic ideology on international solidarity and cooperation was formed and developed throughout his revolutionary activities. Through President Ho Chi Minh's writings and speeches; documents on the foreign policies and guidelines and international solidarity of our Party and State; from the works of his excellent students; from international communist soldiers, politicians, intellectuals and international friends writing and talking about him... shows the unique and comprehensive features of President Ho Chi Minh's thinking, methods and style of international solidarity and cooperation.
Firstly, solidarity and international cooperation have a dialectical relationship with independence and autonomy.
With the consistent mindset of “if you want others to help you, you must first help yourself” (3) , President Ho Chi Minh always promoted “independence and autonomy” in international cooperation and solidarity. According to him, maintaining independence and autonomy is both a policy and an immutable principle to best protect the interests of the nation and people. “That is the crystallization of the foreign affairs career in the Ho Chi Minh era” (4) .
According to President Ho Chi Minh, independence means not being dependent, not imitating, not being dogmatic. Autonomy means being proactive in thinking and mastering one's own thoughts and actions, being responsible to the people and the country, knowing how to master oneself and one's work. In international relations, President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: "Independence means we control all our work, without outside interference" (5) . He was determined: "Independence without having our own army, our own diplomacy, our own economy. The Vietnamese people absolutely do not crave that fake unity and independence" (6) . Thus, not only is the Vietnamese nation independent, self-reliant, unified and territorially intact, but the field of diplomacy and foreign affairs must also be independent, not dominated by any power or force.
With a clear strategic vision, President Ho Chi Minh deeply and specifically demonstrated the dialectical relationship between independence, autonomy and international solidarity and cooperation; between self-reliance and cooperation and development. He did not absolutize any factor, but mentioned very clearly and vividly the position and role of each factor, the connection between internal strength and external strength. In that dialectical relationship, "independence and autonomy" always plays a decisive role, is a solid foundation to promote international cooperation, gain broad support from the international community; at the same time, international solidarity and cooperation is to create a favorable international environment, a combined strength to maintain independence and autonomy. The dialectical relationship between independence, autonomy and international solidarity and cooperation is a concrete expression of the relationship between internal and external affairs, internal strength and external strength, between national strength and the strength of the times.
Second, solidarity and international cooperation must ensure the highest national and ethnic interests.
According to President Ho Chi Minh's point of view, solidarity and international cooperation In Vietnam's foreign policy, it is necessary to put the national and ethnic interests above all else; in other words, whatever we want to do must be for the benefit of the nation. On January 14, 1950, in the Declaration of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Governments of countries around the world, President Ho Chi Minh emphasized: "The Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam is ready to establish diplomatic relations with the Government of any country that respects the equality, territorial sovereignty and national sovereignty of Vietnam, to together protect peace and build world democracy" (7) .
Obviously, President Ho Chi Minh's viewpoint of putting national and ethnic interests above all else and taking the goal of national independence as the top priority is completely in line with the laws and logic of development of foreign affairs activities as well as the tradition of fighting against foreign invaders of the Vietnamese people. That is also the burning desire and legitimate aspiration of the Vietnamese people. However, it is necessary to understand correctly the viewpoint of "ensuring national and ethnic interests" in Ho Chi Minh's thought as completely opposite to narrow nationalism and sectarianism.
To defeat enemies many times stronger, President Ho Chi Minh always advocated strengthening solidarity and seeking international cooperation, considering this a top strategic issue in the Vietnamese revolutionary line. The goal of solidarity and international cooperation is to gather external forces, gain sympathy, support and assistance from international friends, promote self-reliance and self-strengthening, and create conditions to change the balance of forces in favor of the revolution. Accordingly, independence, autonomy, self-reliance and self-strengthening must be associated with solidarity and international cooperation with the goal of bringing victory to the revolution and protecting national and ethnic interests. In solidarity and international cooperation, President Ho Chi Minh did not advocate dialogue and cooperation with external parties and other countries at all costs, but must be based on the basis of maintaining independence, sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit. According to him, any country that wants to cooperate with Vietnam, wants to bring capital to do business in Vietnam with the aim of benefiting both sides, will be welcomed by Vietnam. On the contrary, any country that wants to bring capital to bind and impose, Vietnam will resolutely refuse. President Ho Chi Minh always affirmed that independence, sovereignty, and equality are the foundation of all international cooperation. He pointed out: "On the principle of equality and mutual benefit, we are ready to establish diplomatic and trade relations with all countries" (8) . As soon as he gained power, he was ready to invite experts from France, America, Russia,... to Vietnam to help us build the country, but on the condition that they must recognize our country's independence. According to him, "If not, then there can be no talk at all" (9) . That is a basic principle in Ho Chi Minh's thought, the "red thread" running through all of Vietnam's diplomatic activities.
Third, international solidarity and cooperation to "make more friends and fewer enemies", enhancing mutual understanding between countries and peoples around the world.
Throughout his revolutionary career, President Ho Chi Minh always made efforts to contribute to enhancing understanding among nations, building solidarity between revolutionary and democratic forces, promoting friendly international relations and cooperation between nations to consolidate, protect and maintain peace and national independence. He actively and proactively advocated international solidarity and cooperation on the basis of maintaining independence, autonomy and mutual respect; implementing the motto of "making friends with all democratic countries and not creating enmity with anyone" (10) , "making more friends, reducing enemies" and "helping friends is helping oneself". According to President Ho Chi Minh, international solidarity and cooperation are not only to gain support and assistance from the international community, but also to demonstrate the responsibility to support and assist other countries and fulfill international obligations. For that reason, he advocated, on the one hand, the need to strive to resist and participate in movements supporting peace in the world; On the other hand , cooperation must go hand in hand with struggle. He resolutely fought against wars of aggression, tyranny, and imposition in international relations, as well as all acts of intervention and infringement on the legitimate interests of nations. “His thoughts embody the aspirations of nations wishing to affirm their cultural identity and to enhance mutual understanding among nations” (11) .
Applying Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on solidarity and international cooperation in current foreign policy
Through more than 35 years of innovation, inheriting, applying and creating the nation's glorious foreign relations tradition, especially Ho Chi Minh's thought on solidarity and international cooperation, our Party has constantly supplemented, developed and perfected the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, for peace, cooperation and development, implementing the foreign policy of multilateralization, diversification, proactive and active international integration. The 13th National Party Congress affirmed: “Consistently implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversify and multilateralize foreign relations. Ensure the highest national interests on the basis of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, equality, cooperation and mutual benefit. Combine national strength with the strength of the times, proactively and actively integrate comprehensively and deeply into the international community; Vietnam is a friend, a reliable partner and an active, responsible member of the international community” (12) . At the National Foreign Affairs Conference to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress in 2021, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: “Over the past 90 years, under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, on the basis of creatively applying the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism, inheriting and promoting the traditions, identity of foreign affairs, diplomacy and national culture, selectively absorbing the quintessence of world culture and progressive ideas of the times, we have built a very special and unique school of foreign affairs and diplomacy of the Ho Chi Minh era, imbued with the identity of the “Vietnamese bamboo tree” , “firm roots, strong trunk, flexible branches”,... imbued with the soul, character and spirit of the Vietnamese people” (13) . Therefore, in order to apply President Ho Chi Minh's ideology of solidarity and international cooperation in the process of planning and implementing foreign policy with many favorable opportunities and intertwined difficulties and challenges, it is necessary to well implement the following contents:
Firstly, promote the application, development and creation of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on solidarity and international cooperation in the process of planning and implementing current foreign policy.
Applying Ho Chi Minh's thought on solidarity and international cooperation is the process of practicing selective and creative viewpoints. Accordingly, the work of planning and implementing foreign policy today needs to select contents that are suitable to practical requirements to practice creatively, on the basis of combining the guidelines and principles in Ho Chi Minh's thought with the conditions, characteristics and application environment. Only then can it bring about practical effectiveness, avoiding falling into formal, mechanical, stereotyped and ineffective application.
Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on solidarity and international cooperation, along with his views on foreign affairs, have profound historical value and contemporary significance, but they are not immutable or fixed, and need to be supplemented with elements that are consistent with the constant movement and development of reality. Only then will Ho Chi Minh's thoughts have a strong vitality, leading and illuminating the path for the Vietnamese revolutionary cause. Especially when "we must be sensitive, dare to think, dare to do, have a proactive offensive spirit, dare to go beyond the framework of old thinking and familiar fields to have thoughts and actions beyond the national level, reaching the regional and international level. We need to build a new position and mindset for Vietnam in responding to and handling relations with other countries, bilaterally as well as multilaterally" (14) .
To apply and creatively develop Ho Chi Minh's thought on solidarity and international cooperation to achieve results, the entire Party and people need to clearly understand what "application" and "development" are; at the same time, it is necessary to firmly grasp the objects for "application" and "development". The problem with "application" is that it must be correct and creative; "development" must ensure continuity and the right direction. Development is to update new content, elevate the content of Ho Chi Minh's thought on solidarity and international cooperation, contributing to enhancing the value of ideology and theory.
In addition, it is necessary to continue promoting propaganda and thoroughly understanding the content and value of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on solidarity and international cooperation. Diversify propaganda forms and enrich the content to bring practical effects on a wider space. However, in the process of propaganda, it is necessary to pay attention to effectiveness, avoid chasing after quantity and form; propaganda content needs to be suitable for each target in society, with special attention paid to the younger generation, such as youth, teenagers, and students.
Second, thoroughly grasp and correctly implement the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development; multilateralize and diversify foreign relations, proactively and actively integrate deeply into the international community, for the interests of the nation and people.
Applying and creatively developing Ho Chi Minh's thought on solidarity and international cooperation in our country today must unify the two aspects of the dialectical relationship: both cooperation and struggle, correctly applying the viewpoints on partners and objects; strengthening cooperation, continuing to create a position of intertwined strategic interests between our country and other countries, to prevent conflicts, avoid confrontation, isolation and dependence. In particular, the overarching goal is to maintain a peaceful, stable and favorable environment for the cause of building and defending the Fatherland, carrying out strategic tasks on socio-economic development; at the same time, resolutely and persistently firmly protecting the independence, sovereignty, sovereign rights, national jurisdiction, territorial integrity and legitimate interests of the country in accordance with international law. One of the key requirements to ensure a peaceful environment is to always be persistent, calm, clear-headed, clever, and properly handle foreign relations, including issues of sovereignty and territory. This is “an extremely important task of the entire political system, in which the diplomatic sector is the leader” (15) .
As an objective necessity, in order to seize and maximize opportunities, control and resolve challenges, and respond well to external changes, it is necessary to remember the teachings of President Ho Chi Minh: A career is made by Unity. Accordingly, it is necessary to focus on promoting the building and maintenance of solidarity and consensus within the country. With the greatest and highest goal of resolutely protecting national and ethnic interests, "everyone must work for the country and the people" (16) . Only then, in implementing foreign affairs, can we most effectively apply and innovate Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on solidarity and international cooperation, "combining national strength with the strength of the times"; implementing the motto "using the unchanging to respond to all changes". The key point is to keep a “warm heart, cool head” and be “resolute and persistent” in dealing with foreign challenges, taking advantage of “similarities” in interests to promote cooperation and development on the basis of protecting national and ethnic interests and respecting international law.
Third, expand and improve the effectiveness of foreign affairs activities, especially in the fields of economic, cultural, political, defense and security cooperation with countries around the world.
As General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed: "Our country has never had such a foundation, potential, position and international prestige as today", from a backward economy, ranked last among Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam has risen to become the fourth largest economy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with a gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 340 billion USD (2020). The national brand value is currently ranked 33rd in the top 100 most valuable national brands in the world, the diplomatic influence index ranks 9/26 in Asia and second in Southeast Asia (17) . In order to continue to enhance Vietnam's position and prestige in the international arena, it is necessary to expand and improve the effectiveness of foreign affairs activities, especially cooperation in fields such as economics, culture, politics, defense and security with other countries . In particular, it is necessary to focus on Closely combine foreign affairs with national defense and security; between party diplomacy, state diplomacy and people's diplomacy to create a solid tripod; resolutely and persistently protect independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, protect the Fatherland "early and from afar"; proactively prevent and resolve security risks through promoting dialogue, building trust, preventive diplomacy and the rule of law. Continue to maintain relations with partners, "first of all neighboring countries and major countries, in depth, stably and effectively; prioritize maintaining stability and momentum in relations, enhancing political trust, promoting cooperation in all fields, while handling differences and emerging issues in the spirit of cooperation, friendship, controlling disagreements, based on international law and regional practices" (18) .
Practice has shown that economic, cultural, political, defense and security cooperation is a unified entity, inseparable from each other, and cannot cooperate successfully if only cooperating in one aspect or one field. Solidarity and international cooperation in one field create cooperation needs and strongly impact the results of cooperation in other fields, as well as the overall results of the international cooperation process. In particular, economic cooperation holds a central position, playing a pioneering role in promoting other aspects of cooperation to develop more strongly and deeply. Defense and security cooperation must be based on the foundation of economic, political, cultural and social cooperation. The process of defense and security cooperation aims to create a peaceful environment for the country's economic and social development and increasingly comprehensive international cooperation. The more closely linked defense and security cooperation is, the more it contributes to strongly promoting the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland.
The legacy of foreign policy, including the ideology of solidarity and international cooperation that President Ho Chi Minh left us, is an extremely valuable treasure. Creatively and effectively applying his ideology in current foreign affairs work makes a worthy contribution to the cause of building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland./.
(1) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi, 2011, vol. 1, p. XV
(2) Vietnam Social Sciences Committee: Ho Chi Minh - National liberation hero, cultural celebrity , Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 1990, p. 5
(3) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 2, p. 320
(4) Tran Vi Dan: “Ho Chi Minh's thought on independence, autonomy in foreign affairs, international solidarity and its application in the current situation”, Communist Electronic Magazine, July 6, 2021, https://www.tapchicongsan.org.vn/web/guest/quoc-phong-an-ninh-oi-ngoai1/-/2018/823631/tu-tuong-ho-chi-minh-ve-doc-lap%2C-tu-chu-trong-doi-ngoai%2C-doan-ket-quoc-te-va-viec-van-dung-trong-tinh-hien-nay.aspx
(5), (6) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 5, pp. 162, 602
(7) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 6, p. 311
(8) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 10, p. 317
(9) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 4, p. 86
(10) Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works , op. cit. , vol. 5, p. 256
(11) Ho Chi Minh Museum: “On UNESCO's Resolution honoring President Ho Chi Minh”, Communist Party of Vietnam Electronic Newspaper, December 2, 2019, https://dangcongsan.vn/tu-lieu-tham-khao-cuoc-thi-trac-nghiem-tim-hieu-90-nam-lich-su-ve-vang-cua-dang-cong-san-viet-nam/tu-lieu-cuoc-thi/ve-nghi-quyet-cua-unesco-vinh-danh-chu-tich-ho-chi-minh-543986.html
(12) Documents of the 13th National Congress of Delegates, National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi, 2021,
vol. I, pp. 161 - 162
(13) Nguyen Phu Trong: A number of theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam , the National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, p.183 - 184
(14), (15), (16) Nguyen Phu Trong: Some theoretical and practical issues of socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam , ibid , p. 193, 193, 194
(17) See: "Vietnam National Brand in 2022 continued to increase in value and ranking in the top 100 values of the strongest national brand in the world," said the Ministry of Industry and Trade Electronic Portal , September 21-2022, https://moit.gov.vn/tin-tuc/thong-bao/thuong-hieu-quoc-gia-nam-nam-2022-2022--7- tri-thuong-hieu-quoc-g.html
(18) Nguyen Phu Trong: A number of theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam , ibid , p.
Source: https://tapchicongsan.org.vn/web/guest/quoc-phong-an-ninh-oi-ngoai1/-2018/827273/van-dung-tu-tuong-ho-chi-minh-ve-Doan-ket%2C-hop-tac-quoc-te-trong-duong-loi-doi-ngoai-cua-viet-nam-hien-nay.aspx.Alx.Alx.Alx.Alx.Alx.AlX
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