ANTD.VN - Accumulated in the first 9 months of the year, state budget revenue is estimated at 1,223.8 trillion VND, equal to 75.5% of the estimate, down 8.3% over the same period in 2022.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the total state budget revenue in September is estimated at VND89.6 trillion, equal to 63.2% (down VND52.2 trillion) compared to the average revenue of the past 8 months.
Of which: Domestic revenue is estimated at 73.9 trillion VND, equal to 62.9% of the average revenue for the 8 months. Revenue from crude oil is estimated at 5.6 trillion VND. Budget revenue from import-export activities is estimated at about 10 trillion VND, equal to 52% of the average revenue for the 8 months.
Accumulated state budget revenue in the first 9 months is estimated at 1,223.8 trillion VND, equal to 75.5% of the estimate, down 8.3% over the same period in 2022 (central budget revenue is estimated at about 77.9% of the estimate, local budget revenue is estimated at about 72.6% of the estimate).
Budget revenue in the first 9 months of the year is quite good compared to the estimate. |
Of which: Domestic revenue for the first 9 months is estimated at 1,013.7 trillion VND, equal to 76% of the estimate, down 3.2% over the same period in 2022. Revenue from crude oil is estimated at about 46 trillion VND, equal to 109.5% of the estimate, down 22.5% over the same period in 2022. Balanced revenue from import-export activities is estimated at 163.8 trillion VND, equal to 68.5% of the estimate, down 26.3% over the same period in 2022.
Of the above domestic revenue, excluding land use fees, lottery revenue, capital recovery, dividends, profits, after-tax profits and the difference between revenues and expenditures of the State Bank, domestic tax and fee revenue is estimated to reach 75.7% of the estimate, up 0.7% over the same period.
However, there are still some revenue items that have not met the estimated progress and decreased compared to the same period, such as: environmental protection tax revenue is estimated at 42.7% of the estimate, down 26.6% compared to the same period; fees and charges are estimated at 72.1% of the estimate, down 11.8% compared to the same period; revenue from housing and land is estimated at 55.5% of the estimate, down 48.5% compared to the same period.
Direct revenues from the three production and business sectors (accounting for 53.3% of the total domestic revenue estimate) alone reached an estimated 75.4% of the estimate, up 5% over the same period.
However, excluding corporate income tax (accounting for nearly 46.4% of total revenue from the production and business sector, which achieved quite well compared to the estimate and increased by 24.4% over the same period because enterprises had provisionally paid 4/5 periods as prescribed), the revenue of these 3 sectors was only 92.5% of the same period.
Also according to the Ministry of Finance, in the 9 months, the total amount of tax and land rent that is subject to extension, exemption, and reduction is about 148,292 billion VND. Of which, the amount of tax and land rent that is subject to extension is estimated at 102,939 billion VND; the amount of tax and land rent that is exempted or reduced is about 45,353 billion VND.
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