Starting the day with health news, readers can also read more articles: Man escapes death thanks to a stranger on the train discovering he had cancer; Newborn baby has nicotine levels in blood dozens of times higher than adults ; Experts show where to store fresh eggs longer...
4 Simple Adjustments to Lose Weight Without Trying Too Hard
Losing weight not only makes you look better, but it also has many other benefits. You don't have to go on a strict diet to lose weight. Making some lifestyle changes can also help.
Dieting and intense exercise will help you lose weight extremely effectively. However, due to many factors from physical to time, not everyone can follow such a diet and exercise regimen. There is another option that can still help you lose weight but does not put too much pressure on the body. What we need is to adjust some habits in our daily life.
Limiting sugary drinks will help reduce empty calories and support sustainable weight loss.
These adjustments, if maintained over time, will help you lose weight sustainably and not gain it back. To do so, you need to do the following:
Cut down on sugar in your drinks. If you are a coffee lover, reduce the amount of sugar and milk in your coffee. Similarly, other sugary drinks such as milk tea and carbonated soft drinks should also be limited. Not only sugar, but also the cream that is often added to drinks should be limited.
Exercise at least 20 minutes a day. Regular exercise will help your weight loss efforts be effective. If you do not like or cannot do high-intensity exercises that last for hours, try light, moderate exercises for about 20 minutes. Readers can read more about this article on the health page on July 8 .
Just born, the baby has dozens of times more nicotine in his blood than an adult.
A newborn baby in India was recently born with cyanosis. Doctors intervened in time to save the baby. But after further examination, the doctor was shocked to discover that the nicotine concentration in the baby's blood was dozens of times higher than the allowable level for an adult. The reason was that the baby's mother was a smoker.
This strange story happened in Gujarat state (India). The identity of the mother was not revealed. She went into labor and gave birth by caesarean section. The baby boy weighed 2.4 kg.
Because his mother was addicted to drugs, a newborn boy in India had nicotine levels in his blood dozens of times higher than those of an adult.
However, the baby did not cry, turned purple and was immediately transferred to the neonatal emergency room. Doctors promptly intervened, placing the baby on a ventilator when the baby began to have a cardiac arrest and blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels.
Initially, the doctor thought this was a case of suffocation at birth. However, when examining the symptoms carefully, they found something unusual. After some tests, the doctor discovered that the nicotine concentration in the baby's blood was up to 60 ng/ml, dozens of times higher than the allowable level for adults. The next content of this article will be on the health page on July 8 .
Man escapes death after stranger on train discovers he has cancer
For Chris Meffen, a train ride that day literally saved his life. While sitting on the train with his wife and children, a stranger approached him, pointed to a dark patch on the left side of his face and revealed that it could be skin cancer. The stranger’s warning was correct.
Chris Meffen, 46, lives with his family in Elgin, Texas (USA). He has a dark patch of skin on his left cheek. However, he ignored it because he thought it did not affect his health.
Skin cancers look a lot like moles, but they look rough and are larger.
In November 2022, he and his wife and children were traveling together. The family took a train through the vast Texas countryside. On the train, he sat next to a woman who warned him that a dark patch on his face could be skin cancer.
"I think God took care of me. I will always be grateful to her," Mr. Meffen shared.
The stranger he met that day was actually dermatologist Chelsey Straight. She lives in Austin, Texas. She and her husband happened to be on the train with Mr. Meffen that day. They are both dermatologists. Start your day with health news to see more of this article!
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