Before being diagnosed with a perforated stomach, TNB (13 years old, residing in Quang Nam province) was taken by his parents to the emergency room at Da Nang Family Hospital in a state of severe abdominal pain and abdominal cramps.
Examination at the Emergency unit showed that patient B. was very tired, had dry lips, dirty tongue, had an infected facial expression, severe abdominal pain, the abdominal wall was rigid like wood, and abdominal wall reaction was (+).
Ultrasound and abdominal X-ray results showed air in the peritoneal cavity and a large amount of free peritoneal fluid. The patient was transferred to emergency surgery with a diagnosis of generalized peritonitis due to perforation of a hollow organ, suspected perforation of the stomach and duodenum, and treated with laparoscopic surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery to repair a 1cm stomach perforation in a 13-year-old patient
MSc. Dr. Nguyen Hoang, Head of Surgery Department, Family Hospital, shared that during the surgery, the doctor observed that the patient's peritoneal cavity contained a lot of pus, pseudomembrane, and old food; the lesions were concentrated in the area under the liver, next to the gallbladder, close to the pyloric antrum of the stomach.
The doctors cleaned the peritoneal cavity with saline. Exploration revealed a perforation of the pyloric antrum of about 1 cm. The team completely sutured this perforation using laparoscopic surgery. On the 5th day after surgery, the patient was stable, able to eat and drink, no longer had abdominal pain, and could be discharged from the hospital.
Before being discharged from the hospital, patient TNB said that he had never been examined before and had been diagnosed with gastritis. During the summer vacation, he often played games continuously and had irregular eating habits, consuming a lot of fast food and carbonated drinks.
When he was admitted to the emergency room for a stomachache, he had been experiencing a dull stomachache for many days but had endured it and not told his parents, so he had not been examined in time.
"I will change and I also hope that children like me will listen to their parents and have a regular schedule so that they don't have the same experience as me," said patient B.
MSc. Dr. Nguyen Hoang examines a child patient before discharge.
According to doctors, duodenal perforation is a common disease in people aged 20 - 50 years old. Usually, the patient has a previous history of gastroduodenal inflammation or ulcers, which, due to not being thoroughly treated, leads to perforation and causes generalized peritonitis, threatening the patient's life.
Previously, duodenal perforation was a rare disease in children. This made parents subjective, thinking it was a simple enteritis, leading to taking the patient to the doctor when the disease had caused generalized peritonitis, with a serious prognosis.
"Always remember that stomach perforation can occur in children, even if the patient has not been diagnosed and treated for stomach disease before," Dr. Nguyen Hoang advised.
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