(Photo: ACB)
Blue ACB Visa Debit Card With ACB Visa Debit card, customers will receive special offers from ACB and JCB at hotels, restaurants, shopping centers... from famous Japanese brands. ACB Visa Debit uses J/Secure and OTP security technology to ensure safety in transactions. In addition, ACB Visa Debit is also equipped with EMV standard chip, ensuring security in all international transactions. Blue debit card - ACB MasterCard Debit ACB MasterCard Debit card can be easily paid worldwide. Customers can enjoy offers from ACB and MasterCard. ACB MasterCard Debit is equipped with EMV standard chip and contactless technology to help secure information on the card, making transactions safer. Gray ACB Visa Digi debit card This type of card is for customers making international online transactions. The advantages of ACB Visa Digi card are that you can open multiple cards in a day, competitive exchange rates with online transactions in foreign currencies and a 24/7 customer service team. Yellow credit card - ACB MasterCard Gold Customers using ACB MasterCard Gold will receive many attractive incentives at shopping and travel locations from ACB and MasterCard. Users are exempt from interest for 45 days, with a minimum payment of only 5% of the monthly usage amount. Gray credit card - ACB Visa Digi Gray ACB Visa Digi credit card is exclusively for customers making international online transactions. The card has a modern, fast and safe contactless payment feature. In particular, multiple ACB Visa Digi cards can be issued at the same time, with a maximum number of cards issued to up to 10 cards/customer. Source: https://vtcnews.vn/cac-loai-the-ngan-hang-acb-theo-mau-ar890370.html
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