On the afternoon of May 22, the National Assembly discussed the contents of the draft Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety that are still controversial. The detailed regulations on driving license categories in the draft Law were one of the contents that National Assembly deputies commented on.
All points deducted from driving license must retake test
Presenting the Report on explanation, acceptance and revision of the draft Law, Mr. Le Tan Toi - Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on National Defense and Security said that some National Assembly deputies proposed detailed regulations on driving license categories in the Law, not assigning the Government to specify details; at the same time, proposed regulations in accordance with international treaties to which Vietnam is a member.
In response to the opinions of National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly Standing Committee directed the development of regulations on driving license categories in Clause 1, Article 57 in the direction of inheriting the current regulations of the 2008 Road Traffic Law, and classifying them to ensure compliance with the provisions of the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.
At the same time, a transitional provision is added to stipulate that types of driving licenses that have been issued and are still valid are still valid; in cases where they must be reissued, new ones must be issued according to the provisions of this Law, so as not to disrupt or affect the rights of those who have been granted a driving license.
Mr. Le Tan Toi - Chairman of the National Assembly's Defense and Security Committee (Photo: Quochoi.vn).
In response to the opinions of National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly Standing Committee also directed the development of Article 58 on points for driving licenses. Adding regulations on points and deductions from driving licenses is a civilized and modern management measure, in line with the policy of developing the digital economy and digital society of our country.
This regulation will impact behavior, raise awareness of traffic participants, and help management agencies comprehensively monitor the driver's compliance process after violations.
Drivers who violate the law, depending on the nature and severity of the violation, may have their driving license points deducted. If points are not deducted within 12 months while they still have points, all 12 points will be restored.
In case all points are deducted, the person granted a driving license must participate in a test of knowledge of traffic safety laws and regulations. If they pass the test, all 12 points will be restored. The Government will specify the violations that result in deduction of driving license points, the authority to deduct points, the order and procedures for deducting points and restoring driving licenses.
Deducting driving license points is a transparent management solution
Commenting on this content, delegate Tran Thi Van (Bac Ninh delegation) said that the regulation of deducting points from driving licenses is appropriate and necessary. This is a State management measure, which also has educational and deterrent effects, helping drivers to be more attentive, more careful, and to comply better.
In addition, it helps state agencies manage drivers throughout the process from training, testing, licensing to the driver's compliance with the law.
To ensure that the Law is effectively implemented when passed, delegate Van proposed that the Government issue specific regulations on the authority, order, procedures for implementing point deductions and how many specific points to deduct for each violation.
Delegate Tran Thi Van, Bac Ninh delegation (Photo: Quochoi.vn).
It is necessary to apply information technology and digitize the data system when performing procedures for deducting and restoring points from driving licenses to ensure simplicity, suitability, and avoid damage to people; at the same time, avoid negative consequences due to lack of contact between the person with the authority to impose penalties and the violator.
“Deducting points from driving licenses is a public, transparent, and modern management solution that manages the entire process of law compliance of drivers instead of managing each individual behavior and aims to build habits and a culture of traffic participation instead of the current situation of law compliance, traffic safety and order, which is still reactive,” Ms. Van acknowledged.
Giving further comments on the regulation on deducting points from driving licenses, delegate Hoang Quoc Khanh (Lai Chau delegation) said that stricter regulations and higher deterrence should be applied to those who repeatedly violate the same error, to avoid the situation where a driving license that has had all points deducted and re-inspected is allowed to participate in traffic.
Therefore, delegate Khanh proposed to add to Clause 3, Article 5 an aggravating circumstance, a violation of 2 consecutive years can result in temporary revocation of the driver's license.
All points deducted, is the driver's license still valid?
Also concerned about the content of deducting points from driving licenses, delegate To Van Tam (Kon Tum delegation) suggested that it is necessary to clarify whether this is an administrative penalty or a supplementary administrative penalty measure.
Delegate To Van Tam, Kon Tum delegation (Photo: Quochoi.vn).
The delegate personally believes that this is a supplementary measure to administrative penalties. If so, it is necessary to add to Clause 2 that traffic violators must both be subject to administrative penalties and have their driving license points deducted.
In the case of a driver's license being deducted all points, according to the provisions of the draft Law, the driver must participate in a legal knowledge test and if the results are satisfactory, all points will be restored.
"So during the time waiting for the test or if the test fails, is this driving license still valid? It needs to be clearly regulated that if all points are deducted, the driving license will be invalid and when two points are restored, it will be valid again," delegate To Van Tam proposed .
Source: https://www.nguoiduatin.vn/tru-diem-bang-lai-xe-se-ngan-tinh-trang-tai-xe-doi-pho-a664819.html
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