Like many other diseases, kidney stones originate from unhealthy lifestyle habits and diet, according to health site TheHealthSite (India).
Ms. Shivani Bajwa, an integrative medicine expert in India, said we can completely prevent kidney stones by maintaining a scientific lifestyle and healthy diet.
Drink enough water
Water makes up 70% of the body, playing an essential role in all activities. However, through sweat and excretion, we constantly lose this amount of water. To ensure health, supplementing 2.5 - 3 liters of water per day is extremely important.
Drinking enough water is good for overall health, including the kidneys.
Drinking enough water not only helps purify the body but also supports the urinary system to function effectively. Water helps increase urine flow, eliminate toxins and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Balanced diet
Kidney stones can be prevented by a balanced and scientific diet with a reasonable distribution of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
A diet rich in animal protein such as red meat, animal organs... will cause imbalance because animal protein contains a lot of purines.
This causes a spike in uric acid in the body, and the kidneys have to filter out large amounts of this uric acid through urine. If the body does not have enough water to dilute the excess uric acid, it will crystallize and form stones.
Instead, choose plant protein sources such as soy, vegetables, beans, nuts and fruits, which help reduce the load on the kidneys and prevent stone formation.
Limit salt and sugar intake
Consuming too much salt (sodium) disrupts the sodium-potassium balance, causing excess calcium to leak into the kidneys and crystallize. Additionally, sodium increases blood pressure, a risk factor for kidney failure.
Similarly, artificial sweeteners, commonly found in soft drinks and bottled beverages, also contribute to kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium and oxalate in the urine.
To protect your kidneys, limit your intake of salt and chemical sugar by replacing salt with natural spices such as lemon, chili, pepper, etc. and replace soft drinks and bottled drinks with filtered water and fruit juice.
Maintain a healthy weight
Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help prevent kidney stones. Research shows that an ideal body mass index (BMI) is best for your kidneys. Many people who get kidney stones are also overweight.
To prevent kidney stones, you need to have a suitable diet, drink plenty of water, prioritize healthy foods, and exercise regularly. These habits help burn calories, sweat, eliminate toxins, and prevent kidney stones.
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