On September 28-29, Hanoi University of Science and Technology held a graduation ceremony for more than 4,300 students. Together with about 2,500 students who graduated early in mid-May, the number of graduates this school year at Hanoi University of Science and Technology is a “record high”. This is also the class with the largest number of international graduates, with 19 students from 3 countries.

Known as a “hard to get into, hard to get out” school, in recent years, the rate of students graduating on time at Hanoi University of Science and Technology has been increasing. Explaining the reason, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Phong Dien, Vice President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, said that this result comes from many reasons.

“This school year, the number of graduates is unprecedented because the number of students enrolled in 2019 and 2020 has increased compared to previous years. In addition, the school regularly implements solutions to support and advise students and innovate training methods, increasing the rate of students graduating on schedule to over 70%,” said Mr. Dien.

The number of students who have not met the graduation requirements accounts for about 25% of the student population of this course. These are students who have not completed the subjects in the school's training program.

Of the total of more than 6,800 graduates, 8.7% graduated with distinction; 29.7% graduated with honors.

Regarding English output standards, according to Associate Professor Nguyen Phong Dien, students' English proficiency has improved rapidly in recent years. The school requires students to meet English standards according to their yearly level instead of waiting until the end of the course, in order to promote regular and continuous English learning.

In particular, English proficiency level B1 is a mandatory requirement for students to be assigned a graduation project/thesis. Therefore, English output standards are no longer a barrier for the majority of students at Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

According to statistics in recent years, the number of students of Hanoi University of Science and Technology who have jobs right after graduation is about 93%. In addition, nearly 7% choose to study abroad for postgraduate studies.

Associate Professor Dr. Pham Thanh Huyen, Head of Student Affairs Department, assessed that students of Hanoi University of Science and Technology have good thinking so they can easily adapt to rapid changes in technology.

“You have overcome many difficult subjects and very high requirements from teachers, thereby forming problem-solving skills. However, to be more successful and be able to enter the international labor market, in addition to English, you should also learn another language, practice more leadership skills and negotiation skills,” Ms. Huyen said.

Up to now, Hanoi University of Science and Technology has trained more than 200,000 engineers, bachelors and more than 20,000 masters and doctors.

The 64th class is the last class to train university-level engineers. From the 65th class onwards, universities will follow the new Education Law, so the university system will only train at the bachelor's level.

A series of universities with revenue of thousands of billions, which school has the highest? In the group of universities leading in revenue nationwide, there are 2 schools with revenue of over 2,000 billion VND.