June 27, 2023 is the date of birth to complete procedures for the 2023 high school graduation exam. The high school graduation exam will be held on June 28 and 29, 2023.
The 2023 high school graduation exam will be held on June 27, 28, 29, and 30.
In which: June 27 is the day to complete procedures for the 2023 high school graduation exam.
Organize high school graduation exams on June 28 and 29, 2023.
June 30 is the backup exam date.
The detailed exam schedule announced by the Ministry of Education and Training in the guidelines for organizing the 2023 High School Graduation Exam is as follows:
Milestones to remember in the 2023 high school graduation exam. |
Since June 28, more than one million candidates nationwide have begun taking the high school graduation exam. Of these, more than 943,000 candidates are taking the exam for both graduation and university admission.
The 2023 high school graduation exam will consist of 5 exams, including: 3 independent exams: Math, Literature, Foreign Language; 1 combined exam of Natural Sciences including the components of Physics, Chemistry, Biology; 1 combined exam of Social Sciences including the components of History, Geography, Civic Education for candidates studying the general education program at high school level or the components of History, Geography for candidates studying the continuing education program at high school level.
It is expected that the high school graduation exam scores will be announced at 8:00 a.m. on July 18.
The recognition of high school graduation will be completed no later than July 20. The Departments of Education and Training will announce the high school graduation results no later than July 22.
Printing and sending of exam result certificates to candidates must be completed by July 24 at the latest.
The Standing Committee of the Steering Committee for the 2023 High School Graduation Exam said that out of more than 1 million candidates registered for the exam, there were 37,841 independent candidates, accounting for 3.69% of the total number of candidates; 47,769 candidates were only considered for graduation, accounting for 4.66%; 34,155 candidates were only considered for university admission, accounting for 3.33%; 943,340 candidates were both considered for graduation and admission, accounting for 92.91%.
There were 323,187 candidates registered for the Natural Science exam (31.52%); 566,921 candidates registered for the Social Science exam (55.30%).
The number of exam sites nationwide is 2,273; the total number of exam rooms is 44,661. Candidates will participate in the high school graduation exam taking place on June 27-28.
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