Improving health care for rural people
According to the Central Office for New Rural Area Coordination, the set of criteria for new rural communes (NTM) for the 2021 - 2025 period has many new points, requiring higher quality of completion than the previous period, including criterion No. 15 on health, which stipulates: maintaining national health standards; the rate of people participating in health insurance is 90% or higher; the rate of children under 5 years old with stunting malnutrition is below 24%; the rate of population with electronic medical records is over 50%...
Mr. Ngo Truong Son - Chief of Office of the Central Office for New Rural Area Coordination - said that after 3 years of implementing the National Target Program (NTP) on building new rural areas for the period 2021-2025, the quality of services of the grassroots health network has been improved, ensuring health care for all people; promoting the online monitoring and medical examination and treatment system; ensuring effective prevention of infectious and contagious diseases; improving the health and nutrition of women and children; increasing the rate of people participating in health insurance: 7,115 communes (87%) met the health criteria (down 6.6% compared to the end of 2020); compared to the target of having 100% of communes meeting health criterion No. 15 by 2025, the results so far are still low.
Many provinces have achieved high results in health criteria in building new rural areas. Specifically, up to now, the health system of Nam Dinh province has been consolidated, the grassroots health network has been completed; State management of medicine and pharmacy has been enhanced; the quality of medical examination and treatment has changed positively.
In Quang Ninh, the elderly in the mountainous district of Tien Yen receive health advice from medical staff on proactive prevention and early detection of common diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and bone and joint diseases; are advised on self-care skills, diet, and rest appropriate to their age and health status, etc.
Lai Chau province also focuses on taking care of the lives of rural people, especially the elderly. In particular, it strengthens the propaganda of nutrition, prevention of common diseases such as: blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke prevention, bone and joint diseases... on the loudspeaker system, directly at village meetings and when people come to the medical facility for examination. Every year, organize periodic health examinations twice and establish health monitoring records at the place of residence for the elderly; examine and provide medicine for lonely and homeless elderly people.
Since the beginning of the year, Than Uyen district has had 4,634 elderly people receive regular check-ups and health records; 4,300 elderly people have had their blood sugar tested; 13 lonely elderly people with no place to rely on have been examined and given medication; over 3,400 elderly people have been issued health insurance cards...
Lao Cai is a northern mountainous province with 25 ethnic groups living there, of which ethnic minorities account for more than 66% of the population. Communication activities on maternal, newborn and child health care are promoted by the health sector.…
Food safety and clean water for rural people
Food safety and clean water are two issues that are focused on in the construction of new rural areas, to ensure the health of rural people. According to the Central Coordination Office for New Rural Areas, the Program to strengthen environmental protection, food safety and rural clean water supply in the construction of new rural areas in the period of 2021-2025 has been approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 925/QD-TTg dated August 2, 2022 (hereinafter referred to as Program 925).
The goal of Program 925 is to effectively implement environmental sanitation, food safety, and clean water supply in rural areas in new rural construction, contributing to creating a safe and sustainable rural living environment; building a bright - green - clean - beautiful, safe rural landscape rich in traditional cultural identity; contributing to protecting the health and improving the quality of life of rural people, making rural areas a livable place.
As planned, Program 925 will implement 70 pilot models in 46 provinces and cities according to 6 content groups. However, based on the synthesis of proposals from localities, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has approved a list (phase 1) of 12 pilot models for 11 provinces.
For the remaining models, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a document requesting review, supplement and completion of the model proposal. The Ministry has provided guidance on criteria for reviewing and selecting appropriate models (regarding the novelty of the model, community participation, funding sources for model implementation...) as a basis for approving the list of remaining models.
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