In the 2024-2025 school year, the Ministry of Education and Training requests that local Departments of Education and Training effectively implement the Primary Education Program; strengthen school safety; effectively implement decentralization of management associated with accountability in organizing the implementation of the school year plan according to regulations and in accordance with local realities.
Units focus on implementing plans to develop school and classroom networks and ensuring facilities and teaching equipment.
The Ministry requires localities to ensure the ratio of 1 classroom/class, facilities, and number of students/class according to the regulations in the Primary School Charter (35 students/class); have sufficient minimum teaching equipment according to regulations; ensure the ratio of 1.5 teachers/class and the teacher structure to teach all subjects, educational activities, and organize 2 teaching sessions/day according to regulations.
The Ministry noted that primary schools should organize 2 sessions/day, with no more than 7 periods per day, each period lasting 35 minutes; implement a minimum teaching plan of 9 sessions/week with 32 periods/week; the timetable should be arranged scientifically, ensuring a reasonable ratio between teaching content and educational activities, and a reasonable allocation of time and timing during the school day and school week to suit the psychology of primary school students.
For primary education institutions that do not have the conditions to organize 2 sessions/day of teaching, on the basis of teaching the correct and sufficient content and duration of compulsory subjects according to the program's regulations, primary education institutions shall proactively determine the content, choose the form of organization, and allocate appropriate duration for elective subjects when ensuring implementation conditions, consolidation activities and other educational activities.
Units develop plans to organize boarding with content and form suitable to actual conditions, with the agreement and voluntariness of students and parents, and in accordance with regulations and instructions of management agencies; organizing lunch and boarding must ensure regulations on food safety and hygiene, ensuring nutrition and health for students.
Also according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training, organizing activities for students outside of official school hours during the day is based on the needs and interests of students during the time from after official school hours until the time their parents pick them up and take them home.
Based on the needs and interests of students, schools can organize activities in the form of club activities or use school facilities (library, playground, practice field, multi-purpose hall, etc.) to create conditions for students to play and entertain; organizing activities after official school hours during the day in the form of club activities must be approved by competent authorities.
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