The Ministry of Public Security has provided information on several new points of the draft Law on Road Traffic Order and Safety, which is expected to be considered and approved at the 7th session of the National Assembly.
Notably, the Ministry of Public Security continues to emphasize the regulation that absolutely prohibits alcohol concentration in the draft.
Zero alcohol concentration is essential.
According to the Ministry of Public Security, drinking and driving is a social problem not only in Vietnam but also in the world.
Currently, countries around the world have very strict regulations for drivers with alcohol levels, divided into 2 groups.
In which, the group of countries strictly prohibits alcohol concentration violations and the group of countries regulate the threshold of alcohol concentration in blood and breath allowed for drivers, according to the standard level, commercial drivers (taxi, bus, rental car drivers), new drivers.
However, according to the Ministry of Public Security, in the current cultural and traffic conditions in Vietnam, it is really necessary to have an alcohol concentration of 0 when driving a vehicle.
Because the traffic conditions in Vietnam today have many characteristics. In developed countries, cars mainly drive in the right lane, with a distance appropriate to the speed.
As per Australian regulations, the car behind must have a safety distance of 2 seconds from the car in front. That is, if the car in front passes a certain mark, it must be at least 2 seconds before the car behind passes that mark.
This allows the driver about 0.5 seconds to recognize an emergency situation, the next 0.5 seconds to react and take appropriate action, and the last 1 second to execute a plan such as braking suddenly or swerving to change lanes.
Thus, if there is a violation that causes an accident, it will also limit multiple accidents. According to this distance, if the car is traveling at 40km/h, the distance between the two cars is more than 22m.
This is unthinkable in Vietnam, where cars are only a few meters apart, even though they are still moving at 40km/h. Traffic on the road in Vietnam requires drivers to stay alert and react much faster if unexpected situations arise.
According to surveys by a number of international organizations, Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest consumption of wine, beer, and alcoholic beverages in the world.
Alcohol and beer are among the leading causes of disability and death in Vietnam. Alcohol and beer use is causing a burden on health and the economy, and increasing social problems.
Therefore, the Ministry of Public Security emphasized that strict control of alcohol concentration not only has significance for ensuring traffic order and safety but also has profound social significance.
Driving while intoxicated can cause disaster
According to the Ministry of Public Security, Vietnamese culinary culture has many unique features and is lenient. If the concentration is set at 0, no one will drink. But if there is a limit, drivers may be forced to drink.
Besides, alcoholic drinks are addictive. Once you start drinking, it's not easy to stop, and when you're drunk, it's hard to remember what the law says.
There are cases where people get fined the next day for drinking too much or due to their physical condition. Many people get drunk the day before and still have a headache all day the next day, affecting their ability to drive.
Driving while intoxicated can cause disaster to innocent people, as seen in some recent cases of drunk driving causing multiple accidents.
Along with that, the traffic awareness of a part of the population is not good, they disregard the law, intentionally violate traffic laws, and even challenge the authorities when being checked and handled.
When a bad idea can take the lives of many people, society needs strictness.
The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that the current regulation prohibiting traffic participants from driving after consuming alcohol (with alcohol concentration in blood or breath) is stipulated in the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol.
The law does not prohibit drinking alcohol or beer, but only prohibits drinking alcohol or beer and then driving a vehicle.
For the above reasons, we continue to inherit the provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer, prohibiting drivers with alcohol levels from participating in traffic to have strict sanctions, gradually forming the habit and culture of "don't drive after drinking alcohol".
Once traffic awareness and culture are well formed, appropriate adjustments can be made.
TB (according to Tuoi Tre)Source
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