"Cambridge A Levels are the 'gold standard' of qualifications" (Mark Vella, Director of Studies, Auckland Grammar School, New Zealand)
"Priority ticket" with global and permanent value
Established in 1951, the Cambridge AS and A Level programmes are now highly regarded and recognised globally. According to Mark Vella, Director of Studies at Auckland Grammar School (New Zealand), the Cambridge A Levels are the "gold standard" of qualifications with rigorous academic programmes.
"This is a proven international education program for success in higher education and we know that students who pursue it have been successful all over the world," said Jerry Lucido, Executive Director of CERPP, University of Southern California (USA).
According to the Cambridge International Examinations (CAIE) database, AS/A Level and IGCSE qualifications are accepted by most universities around the world. Typically, more than 1,000 universities in the US including Ivy League schools, most universities in the UK and Europe, 74 universities in Australia and New Zealand, 65 universities in Canada, 43 universities in Germany, and 22 universities in Vietnam.
Mr. Stuart Schmill, Head of Admissions at the prestigious MIT Institute of Technology (USA) said: "A Levels students have outstanding academic achievements at MIT. We see that they are not only confident but also have in-depth knowledge of the subject and very good thinking ability".
A Levels are proven to be the perfect stepping stone for students at university and higher education.
The recognition and appreciation of Cambridge qualifications by universities is increasing, along with many preferential admission policies for A Level students.
According to CAIE, most universities in the US and Canada have a policy of converting credits from AS/A Level scores to help students save up to 1 year for a 4-year university program.
Research at Florida State University (FSU) in 2021 found that 90% of Cambridge A Level students at FSU graduated within 4 years, with an average time of 3.8 years. This rate is higher than programs such as AP (84%), IB (83%) and other programs (78%).
Cambridge A Level students are exempted from an average of 15.7 credits for the four-year programme, less than the IB programme (21.2) but have a higher on-time graduation rate.
The data also showed that 73% of Cambridge A Level students achieved an A grade, much higher than the overall student rate of 49%.
Notably, 92% of students who achieved an E in AS/A Level went on to achieve an A/B at university. This shows that A Level students who achieve the minimum grade still have the ability to study well at university.
The difference in A Level training at VAS
Universities in each country have different admission standards and credit policies. Therefore, students need to be advised early to choose the major and school that can promote the advantages of their degree.
For example, in the US, Yale and Massachusetts universities only exempt credits for A or B grades in A Level subjects. Meanwhile, Boston and Seattle universities exempt credits for both AS and A Level grades from C and above, with 4 - 7.5 credits for AS subjects and 8 - 15 credits for A Level subjects.
Therefore, at Vietnam Australia International School (VAS), students receive career counseling and a study path from grade 8 through grade 12.
The AS/A Levels program at VAS teaches more than 10 diverse subjects, meeting students' career orientation as well as current industry trends, such as: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Art and Design, Business, Economics, Computer Science, Global Perspectives, English Literature... Students will study 4 AS subjects and 4 A Level subjects.
Students studying the Cambridge International Integrated Programme (CAPI) after graduation will receive a "dual diploma" output, including a National Diploma and Cambridge international certificates issued by CAIE according to the level of study: Primary Checkpoint (Grade 5), Secondary Checkpoint, IGCSE (Grade 10), AS Level (Grade 11) and A Level (Grade 12).
VAS students receive career counseling from grade 8 to determine a continuous learning path through to university.
In addition to learning knowledge with a team of experienced Cambridge teachers, certified by CAIE every year, VAS students also participate in many practical projects to deeply understand the subjects and fields of study.
This helps students gain in-depth knowledge of each subject and cultivate important skills for future success such as: critical thinking, research skills, teamwork, communication, negotiation, presenting opinions, using English in appropriate contexts...
These are also the values that Cambridge's educational programs aim for, which is to develop creative, confident learners who are ready to make a positive impact on the world.
VAS students carry out a project to invent a smart sensor that can automatically sort waste, part of the VAS Community program.
VAS students participate in the VAS Community program, develop community projects and raise funds to carry them out.
Contact us for advice on Cambridge international education programs at VAS and receive incentives up to 35 million VND at www.vas.edu.vn - Hotline 0911 26 77 55.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/bang-cambridge-a-level-gia-tri-nhu-the-nao-185240623173429253.htm
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