A habit after eating can help prevent stroke; 4 ways of eating to help people who do not exercise lose weight; Oily urine, what health problems does it warn about?... are the main health information on Thanh Nien Online coming to you on the new day, Monday 10.2. New day with today's health news, please summarize the main information:
A post-meal habit that could help prevent stroke
New research presented at the American Stroke Foundation's International Stroke Conference suggests a habit commonly practiced after eating may help reduce the risk of stroke.
Regular flossing reduces the risk of ischemic stroke by 22% and the risk of cardioembolic stroke by up to 44%.
Lifestyle habits that help prevent stroke include regular exercise, stress management, limiting alcohol and red meat, getting enough sleep, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
But there is another equally important habit that is often overlooked: dental care. New research shows that certain oral hygiene habits can promote cardiovascular health, especially reducing the risk of stroke, according to the Daily Mail.
Scientists at the University of South Carolina (USA) wanted to find out which of the oral hygiene habits (flossing, brushing or going to the dentist) has a more significant impact on cardiovascular health.
New day with health news, please continue reading the article A habit after eating can help prevent stroke on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day 10.2. You can also read other articles about stroke such as: Stroke in young people: don't be subjective!; Patient had a stroke after eating breakfast at the hospital...
4 ways to eat to help people who don't exercise lose weight
Weight loss is not only the result of exercise but also depends a lot on diet. For those who do not have time to exercise, creating scientific eating habits can still bring sustainable weight loss results.
To lose weight without exercise, people need to make the following adjustments to their diet:
To lose weight, people need to reduce the amount of white starch and replace it with vegetables and fruits.
Eat natural foods. To lose weight, you need to reduce processed foods as much as possible in your daily diet and replace them with natural foods. Natural foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and many other nutrients, according to the health website Verywell Health (USA).
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article 4 ways to eat to help people who do not exercise lose weight on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of February 10. You can also read other articles about weight loss such as: How long does it take to get back in shape after gaining weight?; What vegetables should you eat when you want to lose weight and lower your blood pressure?...
Oily urine, what health problems does it warn about?
Normal urine color can range from clear to pale yellow. However, certain health problems can affect the color of urine, even making it look like there is oil in the urine.
Urine that appears oily may be due to lipiduria or a kidney problem.
When you see oil in your urine, the cause may be due to a change in diet, but it can also be an underlying health problem, even serious diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, according to the health website Healthline (USA). Oil in your urine can be due to the following causes...
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Oily urine, what health problems does it warn about? on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of February 10. You can also read other articles about urine such as: 5 diseases with warning symptoms of blood in urine; What does urine color reveal about kidney health?...
In addition, on Monday, February 10, there are many other health news articles such as: 6 early symptoms of stomach cancer that are often overlooked; 4 types of drinks that help supplement calcium that are extremely good for health...
New day with health news, wish you a new week of good health, joy and effective work.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/ngay-moi-voi-tin-tuc-suc-khoe-thoi-quen-sau-khi-an-giup-ngan-ngua-dot-quy-185250204081938341.htm
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