The cultural - artistic, physical training - sports movement in Phan Thanh commune (Bac Binh district) is developing, creating a spreading influence attracting a large number of people to participate, contributing to improving physical fitness and health.
Every morning and afternoon, the atmosphere at Phan Thanh Commune Cultural House (in Thanh Kiet village) becomes bustling with sports activities. From young to old, men and women all gather to practice sports suitable for themselves. A rather strange image compared to a year ago.
Mr. Than Dinh Quang - Vice Chairman of Phan Thanh Commune People's Committee said: Although economic life is still difficult, recently, the cultural, artistic, physical education and sports activities of the commune have attracted a large number of people to participate in training, especially volleyball, badminton and football. Playgrounds are used as vacant lots, rice fields after harvest, school yards, artificial turf fields. In particular, in December 2023, since the commune received attention and support to build a cultural and physical education and sports facility in Thanh Kiet village, not only many people in the commune but also neighboring villages in Hong Thai commune have come to practice. The project includes a badminton court with a roof system, a volleyball court and 10 sets of outdoor sports training equipment with leg training equipment, horizontal bench press, hand pull equipment, single bars, parallel bars, single back and abdominal training equipment, waist rotation and air walking equipment. The construction investment capital is nearly 1 billion VND, of which Military Region 7 supports 500 million VND, the remaining capital is matched by the Bac Binh district budget.
Regularly participating in training at the new playground, Mr. Xich Ngoc Van excitedly said: Before, there was no badminton court, so to practice, I and the members of the badminton club had to go to Phan Thanh Secondary School's court to practice. But now that there is a new court, everyone comes here at 5 pm. Since playing sports, I feel healthier, my spirit is more excited and I have the health to work better.
Building a community playground not only helps improve health, but also promotes the good cultural values of ethnic minorities, improving their spiritual life. From the capital of the national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2025, in 2022 and 2023, Phan Thanh commune was supported to repair the Mai Lanh village Cultural House; purchase equipment for meetings, playgrounds, and sound systems for Canh Dien and Chau Hanh villages; cultural tools for Thanh Kiet village. Currently, the rate of people in the commune participating in regular sports training is about 40% of the total population of more than 2,000 households; the number of households achieving the title of cultural family is over 90%. For a locality with a large population of ethnic minorities and limited playground conditions, this is an encouraging change.
Mr. Than Dinh Quang shared: The commune government and organizations have directed the integration of the physical training and sports movement associated with the campaign "All people unite to build a cultural life in residential areas" and the movement "All people exercise following the example of great Uncle Ho". Among them, there is a badminton club that has been maintained for 10 years, football, volleyball, chess, and art groups in all 7 villages. On holidays and Tet, the Commune People's Committee and the Village Executive Board organize art and sports nights. This is an opportunity for the young and old, men and women to compete, practice health, flexibility, endurance, dexterity and agility. From the tournaments, the commune selects a number of outstanding athletes to participate in sports and art competitions organized by the district...
However, to create more favorable conditions for people to practice and expand the playground, Phan Thanh commune has also proposed the cultural sector and the district to support the repair of the commune football field, which is currently collapsed and degraded. Having more playgrounds will be an environment for connecting, exchanging, building a healthy society, contributing to the implementation of local socio-economic development goals.
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