What's special about Chi Pu's first Vietnamese pho restaurant in China?
Báo Lao Động•26/09/2023
Chi Pu has just opened her first Pho restaurant for trial in Shanghai, China. This address quickly attracted diners to come and enjoy.
After becoming famous with the show "Beautiful Sister Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves" in China in the middle of this year, Chi Pu has cherished the desire to introduce Vietnamese pho to Chinese diners. Recently, the female singer has officially opened a pho restaurant in Shanghai. Chi Pu’s pho restaurant, called La Ganh, is in the testing phase. In the early days, the restaurant only sold a limited number of 100 servings. Many diners and “trầm tỷ” (professional fans) came to support Chi Pu’s pho restaurant. On Chinese social networks, many people have shared pictures of the pho restaurant as well as their experiences trying pho here. Currently, the restaurant only sells one type of pho, served with lotus tea and coffee. In the future, the restaurant will introduce more dishes. Accordingly, Chi Pu's pho restaurant will officially open in mid-October. In the future, the singer will cooperate with friends to open more new branches in China.
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