This morning (October 31), the Ministry of Transport held a workshop to widely collect opinions on the Draft Law on Railways (amended).
Modify and add many new contents
Mr. Tran Thien Canh, Director of the Vietnam Railway Authority, said that the Draft Law on Railways (amended) was identified by the Ministry of Transport as an important and top priority task to concretize the socio-economic development orientation approved by the Party Congress.
The Ministry of Transport will fully absorb opinions from ministries, branches, localities, organizations, experts and individuals to complete the draft law and submit it to competent authorities.
Director of Vietnam Railway Authority Tran Thien Canh said that the draft Law on Railways (amended) adds many contents, creating a foundation for railway development.
Mr. Canh said that the Draft Law has 8 chapters and 79 articles. In addition to the provisions inherited from the 2017 Railway Law, it amends and supplements the provisions on investment in railway construction, on exploitation of land funds in the vicinity of railway stations, on the responsibilities of entities and funding in the management and maintenance of railway infrastructure; amends and supplements a number of provisions to lay the foundation for the development of the railway industry...
The Ministry of Transport has organized research and field surveys in countries with developed railway systems in the world such as France, Germany, Spain, China, Korea, etc., from which it has proposed policies suitable to the current practical conditions of Vietnam.
Director of Vietnam Railway Authority Tran Thien Canh
The draft also stipulates the exploitation of land funds in the vicinity of railway stations; Regulations on investment, construction, management and exploitation of railway infrastructure by local authorities for regional railways; Regulations on assessment and certification of system safety; Regulations on railway industry development and training and development of human resources for railways; and a number of regulations related to environmental protection.
Introducing new policies on investment in railway infrastructure construction, Mr. Nguyen Huy Hien, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Railway Authority, said that the draft Law on Railways (amended) supplements the type of regional railway and the responsibilities of entities in investing in construction, maintenance, and operation of regional railways to encourage investment resources from localities and create a proactive position for localities to invest in railway construction to serve the needs of socio-economic development in the area.
At the workshop, many delegates commented that the amendment of the Law needs to create a broad and open legal corridor for feasible and flexible implementation in practice.
At the same time, it is necessary to supplement the regulation that allows the establishment of a general technical design (Front - End Engineering Design, hereinafter referred to as FEED design) instead of the basic design in the feasibility study report to shorten the project implementation time for high-speed railway projects, urban railway projects applying high technology, new technology under the authority of the National Assembly to decide on investment policies.
Supplementing regulations on exploiting land funds in the vicinity of railway stations to maximize resources for developing railway infrastructure and the responsibilities of entities in implementation.
Regarding the railway industry development policy and railway human resources, Mr. Duong Hong Anh, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Railway Authority, said that railway projects in the coming time, especially the North-South high-speed railway construction project and urban railway projects, will create a huge market for the railway industry.
In order to gradually become self-sufficient in researching and producing some types of key materials and equipment (rails, switches, electrical signal information equipment, etc.), and railway vehicles, it is necessary to have a specific mechanism to create conditions for domestic enterprises to be ordered by the State to carry out some key and strategic railway industry development tasks, as a premise for railway industry development.
Therefore, the draft Law has added regulations on special industrial products such as: signal information, locomotives, special materials (rails, switches, accessories) as high-tech products that are prioritized for investment and encouraged for development; regulations on mechanisms, criteria for ordering, and assignment of tasks to domestic organizations and enterprises to carry out a number of key railway industry development tasks.
Supplementing regulations on technology transfer and training; regulations on experts and scientists participating in the field of receiving technology transfer and manufacturing railway industrial products to enjoy special preferential mechanisms and policies to attract and use high-tech human resources...
Create a legal corridor and mobilize resources to invest in railway infrastructure.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dong, former Deputy Minister of Transport, shared experiences in railway development of other countries, including mechanisms and policies.
The workshop also heard Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dong, former Deputy Minister of Transport, present the main results of the project "Good international experiences supporting the Vietnam Railway Authority in drafting the Railway Law (amended)". In particular, focusing on the following topics: High-speed railway; Urban railway; Climate change; Railway safety management and recommending amendments and supplements to the Railway Law (amended).
Regarding international experience in developing high-speed railways, Mr. Dong emphasized that countries around the world mainly invest in high-speed railways to serve passenger transport; freight transport is also being exploited in some countries but not widely.
"High-speed rail investment in the world is mostly in the form of public investment. A few routes are invested in the form of PPP but still need large state support such as support for construction costs or the state paying for operating and maintenance costs to reduce revenue risks for investors," said Mr. Dong.
Therefore, according to Mr. Dong, it is necessary to supplement the draft Law with regulations on the role of the State in mobilizing resources to prioritize investment in developing high-speed railways; on the role and responsibility of localities participating in high-speed railway projects passing through localities...
At the workshop, delegates from localities, businesses and experts contributed many ideas. Among them, it was proposed to amend to create a broad and favorable legal corridor, mobilizing subjects and resources to participate in investment, infrastructure development, infrastructure business, transportation and non-transport support services; mobilizing domestic resources to develop the railway industry; ensuring connection with other modes of transport to promote synchronously the modes...
Mr. Vu Hong Truong, General Director of Hanoi Metro Company Limited, said that the current regulations are too detailed, so amending the Law is extremely difficult. Therefore, the revised Railway Law should not be detailed, but only be principled.
"There needs to be a new approach when building laws: The law must provide a framework and have a long-term vision; not legalize decrees under the authority of the Government and circulars; not administrativeize; the law must be accessible and flexible in handling practical situations that arise during implementation," Mr. Truong stated his opinion.
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