Scarcity of PhDs due to lack of training in the country
Dr. Vo Van Tuan, Vice Principal of Van Lang University, said that over the past time, the school has been looking for PhDs for the fields of public relations, multimedia communications, communication technology, etc. In addition to the position of lecturer, they are also looking for PhDs to be placed in charge of the department, but it is not easy to recruit PhDs in the right field.
"The school invests in facilities and international training programs, but some of the above-mentioned majors, plus applied arts, real estate, etc., are extremely difficult in terms of staff. We have to invite a number of professors and PhDs from abroad because currently there are no domestic training units for some of these majors. Some majors have just started training PhDs not long ago, so they cannot immediately have resources," Dr. Tuan shared.
Dr. Thai Hong Thuy Khanh, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, also said that there are many universities that offer undergraduate training in logistics and supply chain management, but master's or PhD degrees in this field are very rare, especially in the supply chain sector.
Public relations student, one of the majors that does not have a doctoral program in Vietnam
"Currently, only a few schools have been allowed by the Ministry of Education and Training to pilot cooperation with foreign countries to train masters in logistics and supply chain management, but there is no place in the country that trains PhDs. We are lacking a lot of highly qualified human resources in this field," said Dr. Khanh.
In the field of technology, in new and attractive technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain... universities also do not easily recruit PhDs in the right field. Dr. Nguyen Tan Tran Minh Khang, Vice Principal of the University of Information Technology (Ho Chi Minh City National University), informed: "PhD qualifications in these narrow fields are already rare, schools also have to compete for human resources with research institutes and large technology corporations".
Dr. Dinh Ba Tien, Head of the Information Technology Department at the University of Natural Sciences (Ho Chi Minh City National University), commented that some "hot" majors such as artificial intelligence have recently been opened up a lot while not everyone in the core force can teach them. Recruiting lecturers with PhD degrees is even more difficult when some majors in the country have no training units.
"If a school is old, it will have resources from alumni. For example, the University of Natural Sciences has many alumni who have master's and doctoral degrees from the US, Europe, Korea... Some of them have graduated from the artificial intelligence major and are ready to teach in the department. However, schools will have to face competitive pressure from foreign businesses and corporations because they pay extremely attractive salaries," said Dr. Tien.
To have a source of lecturers for the logistics and supply chain management industry, in Ho Chi Minh City, in addition to the International University (Ho Chi Minh City National University) which is training masters in this field, the Ministry of Education and Training also allows some schools to cooperate with foreign countries to conduct pilot training. "To have enough staff, the school also recruits masters and PhDs in this field who have studied abroad," Dr. Khanh informed.
Dr. Tuan said that the school is ready to "roll out the carpet" with attractive salary and benefits policies to recruit PhDs. "If there is no major, recruit PhDs in related majors according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, or invite a team with PhD degrees in the right major who have been trained abroad to ensure the capacity to lead the major and the capacity to maintain the training major. In addition, the school has a policy of inviting excellent students with qualities and orientation to become lecturers to stay at the school, send them abroad to study for a master's or PhD in the right major to create resources in the coming time," Dr. Tuan shared.
In the field of computers and information technology, artificial intelligence will be added to the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels in 2022.
However, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, the training program must have at least one PhD in the appropriate field who is a full-time lecturer (not the same as the full-time lecturer of other fields), with at least 3 years of experience in training management or university teaching, responsible for presiding over the development and implementation of the training program. At the same time, there must be at least 5 PhDs who are full-time lecturers with appropriate expertise to preside over the teaching of the program (including PhDs in the appropriate field above), in which each component of the training program must have a lecturer with appropriate expertise to preside over the teaching.
In this regulation, it is necessary to clearly define that "suitable" means graduating from the same major or is it okay to have a related major? If it is a related major, for example, can a PhD in information technology teach artificial intelligence, or can a PhD in business administration teach e-commerce?
The head of the Training Department of a university in Ho Chi Minh City said that the Ministry of Education and Training stipulates that if there is no PhD in the right field, the teaching staff will recruit PhDs in related fields but must have research projects in that field. "However, in reality, it is very difficult to have such a team for new fields recently, so many schools recruit related fields without requiring appropriate expertise, but the application documents still have ways to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training. For example, a PhD in information technology teaches in the field of artificial intelligence without having done any research on artificial intelligence, and only begins to research and explore more during the teaching process. This certainly affects the quality of training to some extent," he shared.
According to this head of the training department, to ensure quality, before opening majors en masse, the Ministry must consider whether the teaching resources can meet the demand when those majors do not yet have master's and doctoral training in Vietnam. "We should not open too many small and unnecessary level 4 majors while doctoral training cannot meet the demand. Some majors should only be majors," this official added.
Meanwhile, in some schools, because there are not enough teaching resources to open a major, they only include it as a major. For example, artificial intelligence is a major of computer science or software engineering, logistics and supply chain management is a major of business administration or international business...
Annual review and supplementation
A representative of the Ministry of Education and Training said that every year the Ministry reviews and supplements master's and doctoral training programs depending on the current education situation and when there are proposals from university education institutions.
"Some majors cannot train masters or PhDs, but only stop at the needs and general conditions at the university level. Circular 17 also clearly stipulates that the training program has a mandatory part of PhDs in the right major and additional related majors. Except for new pilot majors, the related majors must be accepted first. For example, the artificial intelligence major will initially recruit PhDs from abroad, then gradually the country will have resources to train masters and PhDs," said this representative.
Many industries do not have doctoral training codes yet.
Currently, in the list of level 4 training at university, master's and doctoral levels of the Ministry of Education and Training, which has been updated in 2022, many majors are trained at university level but master's and doctoral levels are not available.
For example, the master's and doctoral business and management group only has the codes for business administration, business commerce, finance, banking, insurance, and accounting.
In the field of applied arts, major codes such as industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, and stage and cinema art design are only available at the university and master's levels, but there are no major codes for training at the doctoral level.
In the field of journalism and communication, master's degrees only have majors in journalism, mass communication and public relations; while PhD degrees only have majors in journalism and mass communication.
In the field of computers and information technology, artificial intelligence will be added to the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels in 2022.
In the tourism sector, the tourism and travel services management industry does not yet have a PhD degree. The hotel management, restaurant management and catering services industry does not have either a master's or PhD training code...
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