The Decree clearly states that organizations, businesses and individuals are granted a Certificate of eligibility to operate a public electronic game service point when meeting the following conditions:
- Have registered business to provide public electronic game services;
- Have a sign "Public electronic game service point" clearly stating the name of the point, address, contact phone number, and business registration number. In case the public electronic game service point is also an Internet agent, add the content "Internet agent". In case the public electronic game service point is also an enterprise's public Internet access point, add the content "Public Internet access point";
- Have fire prevention and fighting equipment and regulations according to the regulations on fire and explosion prevention and fighting of the Ministry of Public Security.
Certificate of eligibility to operate public electronic game service points is valid for 03 years.
Revoking the Certificate of Eligibility to Operate Public Electronic Game Service Points
The Decree stipulates that the owner of a public electronic game service provider will have his/her Certificate of Eligibility to operate revoked in one of the following cases:
1- Committing fraud or providing false information to obtain a Certificate of eligibility to operate a public electronic game service point;
2- Certificate of eligibility to operate public electronic game service points expires.
The Decree clearly states that in case of revocation as prescribed in Point 1 above, after a period of 01 year from the date of revocation of the Certificate, the owner of the public electronic game service provider has the right to request a new Certificate if he/she meets all the conditions for being granted a certificate as prescribed.
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