The 10th grade math exam in Hanoi consists of 5 questions, of which the geometry test is worth 3 points, the last test is worth 0.5 points, the most difficult to classify candidates.
Math test grade 10
Below are the detailed solutions to the 10th grade Math exam in Hanoi by Mr. Vo Quoc Ba Can, Nguyen Le Phuoc, Nguyen Tien Dung (teachers at Archimedes Academy, Hanoi), Mr. Nguyen Van Quy (teacher of CMATH club), Mr. Tran Duc Hieu (teacher of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted), Dao Phuc Long (student of Hanoi University of Science and Technology) and Tran Quang Do (student of Hanoi University of Education):
For candidates applying for public grade 10, this morning's Math exam is the last exam. If there are no violations of regulations and no exam scores are zero, students will be considered for admission according to their wishes. The admission score is the sum of Literature and Math scores multiplied by two, plus Foreign Language scores and priority points (if any).
Last year, out of 107,000 students taking the 10th grade entrance exam in Hanoi, more than 1,380 students scored 9 points or higher in Literature (1.29%), 256 students scored 10 points in Mathematics (0.23%) and 3,364 students (3%) scored 10 points in Foreign Language. The 10th grade valedictorian achieved a total admission score of 48.5/50 (9.25 in Literature, 10 in Foreign Language and Mathematics).
Tomorrow, about 10,000 students applying to specialized schools will take an additional specialized subject exam. The admission score for specialized 10th grade is the sum of the scores of the three exams in Math, Literature, Foreign Language and the specialized subject score multiplied by a factor of two.
Hanoi's 2023 public 10th grade exam scores and benchmarks will be announced on July 4 and July 8-9. If admitted, candidates will enroll online. From July 18, schools that do not meet their enrollment quota will consider additional enrollment.
See suggested answers for Literature and English
Thanh Hang - Duong Tam
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