(Dan Tri) - The essay test of the high school graduation exam is graded twice independently while the multiple-choice test uses a grading machine.
Marking essay tests
In the first round of marking, the examiner receives the bag of completed test papers and checks each test paper before marking. The checking is to ensure that the test papers have the correct number of pages and sheets, and to promptly detect any irregularities that may indicate violations of the test regulations.
At the same time, the examiner will cross out all the blank spaces left on the test paper because the candidate did not write everything on the test paper.
Apart from these slashes, the first round examiner will not write anything on the candidate's test paper or test bag.
The component scores, the overall score and any comments, if any, shall be recorded on only one score sheet for each exam. The full name and signature of the examiner shall be clearly stated on this score sheet.
After marking each bag, the examiner will hand that bag over to the Chief Examiner or the Head of the Essay Marking Group authorized by the Chief Examiner (collectively referred to as the Chief Examiner).
Teachers invigilate the high school graduation exam (Photo: Thanh Dong).
In the second round of marking, the Secretariat member will withdraw all the round 1 marking sheets from the test bags. The test bags will then be drawn by lot to be assigned to the new examiner, ensuring that the marked test bag is not returned to the same examiner as the first examiner.
The second round examiner will write the score directly on the candidate's test. The score for each sub-point is written on the left margin of the test, right next to the marked point.
After two rounds of marking are completed, the Head of the Examination Board receives the exam papers and marking sheets from the Secretariat and directs the Essay Marking Teams to unify the exam scores.
The candidate's test score will only be recorded in the designated position on the test paper after the examiners have agreed on the score.
If the overall score or component score is not different or is less than 1 point different, the two examiners will discuss and agree on the score.
If the total score or component score differs by 1-1.5 points, the examiners will discuss and record it in minutes, and report to the Head Examiner to unify the score.
In case the two examiners cannot agree on the score, the Chief Examiner will draw up a record of the score decision.
If the total score or component score differs by more than 1.5 points, the Chief Examiner will organize a third direct marking of the candidate's test using a different colored ink.
In the third marking, if the results of the three markings differ by a maximum of 2.5 points, the Chief Examiner will take the average score of all three times as the official score.
If the difference in scores is greater than 2.5, the Chief Examiner will organize joint marking with all examiners in the Essay Marking Team.
The step of entering essay test scores into the system also has 2 independent rounds, performed by 2 different groups, each group has at least 3 people including 1 reader, 1 person entering into the software and 1 person supervising and checking.
Only after completing the score entry, the beat matching on the software is performed. At this time, the data entered for the essay test score and the candidate's information data with the new beat number are merged together.
To ensure accurate matching and not mistakenly match the scores of one candidate with the information of another, the Secretariat will randomly manually match at least 20% of the essay tests.
If there are any errors, a record must be made and a report must be submitted to the Chairman of the Examination Council to determine the cause and take corrective measures.
Marking multiple choice tests
To enter the multiple-choice test marking area, all involved persons are not allowed to bring pencils, erasers and other prohibited items. This is to ensure that no one can make corrections or additions to the candidate's multiple-choice answer sheet.
Candidates' papers must be graded by machine with the same specialized software provided by the Ministry of Education and Training, from the time the image is scanned until the results are available.
Computers used for grading multiple-choice tests are connected to an internal LAN. The computer case, connection ports, and slots that are not needed or not needed on the grading computer are sealed before grading.
The entire multiple-choice test scoring system will be tested to ensure compatibility between devices and software.
The Head of the Multiple Choice Test Scoring Team will enter the list of candidates from the file exported from the test management system handed over by the Examination Council, then assign tasks to members.
Scanning of answer sheets and identification of scanned images is done for each test bag, and each bag is sealed after scanning.
After completing the scanning and identification of the scanned image, the Multiple Choice Test Scoring Team reports to the Test Scoring Board leader and exports data from the software.
The output data is saved on two sets of CDs with identical content, referred to as CD0.
In case of technical errors during the scanning process, such as the software not recognizing the candidate's selection, the Multiple Choice Test Scoring Team will check and correct the error, and make a correction report with full signatures of the relevant parties.
In the scoring step, the Test Scoring Team will load the test answer data into the scoring software, then perform the scoring function on the software.
The test results are then exported from the software to be saved on two sets of CDs with identical content, referred to as CD2.
The discs will then be sent to the Ministry of Education and Training.
The entire exam marking process, including essay and multiple-choice tests, is conducted in a single area with adequate fire prevention and fighting equipment and 24-hour police protection.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/bai-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2025-duoc-cham-nhu-the-nao-20241226142901820.htm
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