1. Communicate a lot
Interacting with other children and adults helps children develop emotional and social intelligence. It also builds empathy, self-esteem and communication skills.
2. Water play
Experimenting with pouring water and exploring how much water can be held in different sized containers is a precursor to mathematics, says Laura Markham, Ph.D., author of "Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids." Children learn to calculate and be careful in all matters.
3. Blow bubbles
The fun activity of blowing bubbles is known to stimulate intelligence, curiosity and scientific thinking in children's brains. It helps children develop creative, artistic and mathematical skills.
Parents can help children make their own homemade solution using soap and water. By seeing the foaming process, children can search for answers to why detergents foam, what these bubbles are, how they float in the air, what makes them pop, etc.
4. Read books
Reading books every day is a way to stimulate the imagination of young children to the maximum. When reading books, children will imagine characters based on the words. Usually, children will use all senses such as sight, hearing, smell to imagine an animal, a character or a scent,... All of that will silently stimulate the development of the child's brain.
5. Look in the mirror
Letting your child look into a mirror is an important exercise in self-discovery. They learn to identify themselves - looking at their eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, hands, feet, all of which are mysteries to them at this stage. This activity helps them develop social and emotional connections later on.
Parents can encourage their children to smile often in front of the mirror to help them develop a cheerful personality.
6. Sleep well
A good night's sleep helps your child's brain organize the day's experiences, replenishing neurotransmitters that help your child remember, learn, and solve problems. Sleep also helps eliminate stress-related toxins.
Parents should ensure that their children have a quiet, comfortable place to sleep. Loud noises can keep children from sleeping well. Adults should be careful, close the door gently, turn down the sound or turn off the TV, and try to provide a quiet, safe space for children to rest.
7. Climbing
According to India Express, children love to climb on things. They are not discouraged from exploring things unless it is too dangerous for them. Parents can let their children climb on low tables, shoe racks, slates, shelves or anything harmless.
It is a child's natural instinct to explore, and while doing this climbing activity, they can practice important physical skills of balance and coordination.
8. Puzzle
Puzzles are the most powerful way to stimulate children's thinking. At this time, children need to be skillful and sensitive. This is very good for their ability to perceive mathematics, physics and technical subjects.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/8-hoat-dong-binh-thuong-o-nha-nhung-lai-la-chia-khoa-giup-tre-phat-trien-tri-nao-17224053016565452.htm
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