Ankle pain is one of the most annoying types of pain. Most cases of ankle pain are relatively mild and resolve on their own. If your ankle pain is caused by gout, it is a serious condition.
Gout is a type of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood. This uric acid builds up into small, sharp crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and severe pain. The joints most susceptible to gout are the big toe, ankles, knees and wrists, according to the health website Medical News Today (UK).
Gouty ankle pain will cause swelling, redness and severe pain.
Gout is often thought of as a disease of older people. However, younger people can also develop the condition, especially those between the ages of 30 and 50. Warning signs of gouty ankle pain include:
Pain with warm skin
If you are not sure whether your ankle pain is gout or not, pay attention to the skin in that area. If the pain is gout, the skin on the ankle will be red. This symptom is common in cases of acute gout. It is a result of uric acid buildup in the body. Uric acid crystals that have accumulated in the joints are released into the bloodstream and cause inflammation.
The body responds by sending white blood cells to deal with these crystals. This results in the production of chemicals that cause inflammation. The skin not only becomes red, but also feels warm to the touch.
Pain often occurs at night
The patient was lying in bed when suddenly a sharp pain struck his ankle. A study published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology found that gout pain at night is twice as severe as during the day.
Sudden pain
Gout pain can come on suddenly without warning. It can take days to weeks for the pain to subside. However, the pain can also go away before returning weeks, months, or even years later.
Related to some dishes
Gout attacks can flare up after eating certain types of meat, such as red meat, organ meat, or seafood. These foods are high in purines. The body breaks down purines to produce uric acid. Therefore, consuming a lot of purines will increase the uric acid level in the blood and trigger gout pain, according to Medical News Today.
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