At around 11am this morning, fire and smoke suddenly broke out on the 4th floor of a house in apartment building number 11 on Vong Duc street.

Discovering the fire, local residents used water and fire extinguishers to put out the fire on the spot and at the same time reported it to the professional fire fighting force.

Firefighters rushed to the scene and put out the fire.

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The area where the fire occurred. Photo: D. H.

Speaking with VietNamNet reporter, an officer of Hang Bai ward police confirmed the above incident and said that the unit's soldiers are working with professional fire prevention forces to urgently put out the fire.

The area where the fire broke out. Photo: D. H.

Police officers are also urgently bringing the victims of the fire out.

Police officers carry victims of the fire out. Photo: D. H.

(To be updated...)