For more than 5 years as Party cell secretary of Dong Dan area, Dong Thinh commune, Yen Lap district, comrade Ha Tien Thuong, born in 1958, Muong ethnic, has always been dedicated to his work, completed his tasks well, and become a prestigious person, trusted and loved by the people.
Party cell secretary Ha Tien Thuong (right) mobilized people to clear land and trees to build a dome house at the Dong Dan cultural house.
Before becoming Party Cell Secretary, Comrade Ha Tien Thuong held the position of Head of the Department of Construction and Development of National Security Protection, Provincial Police. In every position, he always tried to complete the assigned tasks well, and was highly appreciated by the government and people.
The first thing when taking on the task as Secretary of the Dong Dan area Party cell, Comrade Ha Tien Thuong held a meeting to discuss and develop a specific plan, clear working methods, and well implement the democratic, public, and transparent regulations with the motto "People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people supervise, people benefit", in order to create high consensus among the people. During the working process, he paid attention to listening to the opinions, thoughts, and aspirations of party members and the masses to promptly reflect them to superiors. All common tasks were discussed democratically and resolved in a reasonable and reasonable manner. Thanks to that, the movements of the Party cell and residential area always achieved high results.
Comrade Ha Tien Thuong said: One of the difficulties of the Party cell up to now is the difficulty in creating sources and developing young Party members. In reality, the lives of people in the area are still difficult, the number of union members and young people working far away is large, the level of awareness of the people is limited... For the above reasons, the Party cell has been in a state of lacking young Party members for many years.
Faced with the above reality, the Party cell Secretary has studied the thoughts and aspirations of the people, especially a part of the youth who are attached to their homeland, develop the economy, and focus on agricultural production to discover, introduce, nurture, and create a source of Party members. Thanks to closely following, being close to, and nurturing the elite masses, from 2020 to now, the Dong Dan area Party cell has recruited 7 new Party members, bringing the current number of Party members in the cell to 30 people.
Comrade Ha Tien Thuong took the lead in the movement to convert hilly land to cinnamon plantation for high economic efficiency.
Promoting the exemplary role, the Party cell secretary always takes the lead in doing a good job of propaganda and mobilizing people to properly implement the State's policies and laws and local regulations. At the same time, he encourages and motivates people to actively convert crop and livestock varieties, apply science and technology to production, build models of household economic development, develop forest economy associated with the garden - pond - barn model... to create a stable source of income. Currently, the whole area has 154 households with 567 people. The number of poor households has decreased to 9; the number of well-off and rich households has increased every year. Many households have purchased valuable and convenient items to serve their family life.
In the construction of the new village, Party cell secretary Ha Tien Thuong mobilized people to join hands and actively participate. The Party cell secretary and the Party cell executive committee visited each house to mobilize people to socialize the installation of lighting systems and security cameras on the roads in the area, contributing to ensuring security, order and traffic safety in the countryside. Up to now, the entire residential area has 60 lighting bulbs with a road length of 2.5km and 6 cameras on the main roads and alleys, divided into 4 self-management groups.
Mr. Dinh Van Trung - a resident in the area said: Since the street lighting system was installed, the lives of rural people have improved. People feel more secure when participating in traffic at night because the road is bright, especially the security and order situation is also guaranteed.
With his enthusiasm, exemplary and responsible work, the Secretary of the Dong Dan District Party Cell has promoted his role as a bridge of solidarity between the masses and the Party and the State, actively contributing to building cultural life, ensuring political security and social safety from the grassroots. Comrade Ha Tien Thuong has been honored to receive many Certificates of Merit from all levels, sectors and localities and has become a prestigious person among ethnic minorities.
Ha Nhung
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