“Best Places to Work in Asia” is an annual award presented by HR Asia - Asia's leading human resources magazine to honor companies with the best working environment based on employee survey results and transparent evaluation by the judging panel.

Also within the framework of the HR Asia Awards, Nutifood won a double award when winning the category “HR Asia Most Caring Company” - 1 of 3 new awards this year to recognize businesses that have actively shown concern for their employees, especially in difficult times.

A “poker” shot for a worthy business

Through many rounds of rigorous evaluation by the HR Asia research department, for many years, Nutifood has been assessed to meet well and harmoniously combine many factors including: organization and corporate culture (CORE); emotional and motivational index of individuals (SELF); level of harmony and dynamism of the collective (GROUP).

Nutifood was honored as the Best Workplace in Asia for the fourth consecutive time.

The 2023 survey results show that Nutifood's scores in most categories are significantly higher than the average score of the entire market. In particular, for the survey question "commitment to continue to stick with the company in the future", Nutifood achieved 4.4 points, far exceeding the market average of 3.98.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Nam - Deputy General Director of Human Resources - Administration - Legal Department of Nutifood shared: "These two awards are a worthy recognition for the efforts of all Nutifood staff who have joined hands to create a professional, transparent, open and humane working environment, the leading in the region. This affirms Nutifood's commitment to building and developing a diverse working environment with a culture of care, recognition and improvement".

Two decades of efforts to enhance the value of workers

According to Mr. Nguyen Quoc Nam, achieving these awards is the result of a long-term strategic process, because the journey to build a "second home" for employees at Nutifood began in the 2000s, right when the founders laid the first foundation for the goal of creating the most practical values ​​for the community.

Throughout the development process, Nutifood always strives to create a professional, friendly and humane working environment, where employees can express themselves and receive comprehensive care.

In order for each employee to maximize their capacity, the company builds a roadmap for capacity discovery and development for each position; a transparent recognition and reward policy, and fair promotion opportunities based on the efforts, contributions, and talents of each member. In 2022, Nutifood recorded an impressive internal promotion rate of nearly 60%, with many current senior personnel starting out as employees.

Regular vacation programs are organized by Nutifood for all units across the country.

Every year, the company also periodically organizes general health check-ups, team building, sports festivals, etc. to help employees develop both physically and mentally.

In particular, at Nutifood, the culture of “giving” has become a unique identity that spreads from the company’s leadership to the staff, creating a solid foundation for Nutifood to effectively manage human resources, connecting everyone towards a common goal. From here, a series of action programs to join hands to help the disadvantaged in society have been implemented or the Nutifood Mutual Fund dedicated to employees in difficult circumstances has been established.

Periodic general health check-up for all staff

Notably, in 2023, while many businesses were forced to cut staff to preserve "business health", Nutifood impressed by going against the flow, implementing a series of innovative policies for employees such as: implementing comprehensive salary and bonus adjustments, upgrading welfare policies, applying digitalization to operational management to improve work efficiency... This is also the reason Nutifood won a "double victory" in the HR Asia Most Caring Company category, in addition to the Best Workplace in Asia award this year.

Sharing about the working environment at Nutifood, Ms. Kieu Duyen - Supervisor of Human Resources Management Department with 2 years of working at the company said: “I have worked for many companies before, but since joining Nutifood, I feel that this is a very different environment, giving me the feeling of a family. The management always cares deeply about the lives of employees, is open, listens and shares. Colleagues are friendly, sociable, and enthusiastically supportive. The working environment is professional and growing strongly. I feel lucky to work here and wish to stay with the company for a long time”.

It can be said that with the right steps in the strategy of building, developing and managing human resources, Nutifood is successfully becoming the "second home" of employees, creating a team of professional, united, sharing, ready to commit and dedicate themselves to the development of Nutifood in particular and the country's economy in general.
