On the afternoon of August 26, Mr. Luong Thanh Trung, Vice Chairman of Chau Thang Commune People's Committee, said that hundreds of people, including functional forces and local people, are trying to search for LTV (8 years old, residing locally).
On the afternoon of the same day, V. and his friend were cycling across the spillway bridge over Hieu River in Chau Thang Commune and unfortunately fell into the river. People discovered the incident and came to the rescue, but due to the strong current of the river, V. was swept away.
Authorities and people of Chau Thang commune are searching for H. (Photo: G. Huong).
Immediately after receiving the news, the People's Committee of Chau Thang commune mobilized police, military, militia and self-defense forces... along with a large number of people to search for V.
"At this time, there is rain in the area, the water of Hieu River is high, flowing strongly and muddy, making the search difficult. The search is being carried out on a larger scale, following the flow of Hieu River," said Mr. Luong Thanh Trung.
According to information provided by Mr. Luong Thanh Trung, V.'s parents do not live together. He is being cared for and raised by his grandparents. That same morning, V. went to school to prepare for the new school year.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/an-sinh/huy-dong-hang-tram-nguoi-tim-kiem-chau-be-roi-xuong-song-20240826180005788.htm
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