However, few people know that oral hygiene is closely related to the heart and brain. And not taking care of your teeth can have more serious consequences than we think.
Poor oral hygiene can also increase the risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, according to an expert, according to the Express .
Poor oral hygiene can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
British dental hygienist Miranda Pascucci has revealed that poor oral hygiene could be putting your heart at risk.
This can directly affect heart health, she says.
Poor oral hygiene and gum disease are linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
It is also linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure, and research has shown that people with good oral health have a lower risk of these problems.
Why does gum disease affect the heart?
People with good oral health are less likely to have heart problems.
There are a number of reasons why poor oral hygiene can affect the heart and circulatory system.
The cause may be that bacteria from inflamed gums can travel to blood vessels elsewhere in the body, Miranda continues.
Another problem is that gum disease can cause inflammation in the heart and blood vessels in the brain. So brushing your teeth is not enough, you also need to take care of gum disease.
A similar warning was also issued by experts at Harvard Medical School (USA). They explained: People with gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) are 2-3 times more likely to have a heart attack, stroke or serious cardiovascular events, according to Express.
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