The National Conference of Young Scientists in the field of Natural Sciences and Technology is a regular scientific activity for young scientists from localities across the country to meet, exchange, learn experiences, form interdisciplinary and inter-school research groups, contributing to promoting the development of Science and Technology in Vietnam.
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Nam, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the University of Science, VNU, said: Through many times of organization, the Conference has created certain effects in improving the quality of teaching, scientific research and technology transfer among young cadres at universities and research units nationwide. Through four conferences in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018, the Conference has received feedback and response from scientists nationwide with nearly 1,000 research works and scientific articles.
The event is a scientific activity of the youth of the two National Universities to strengthen and tighten the close relationship over the years. At the same time, the Conference is also one of the special activities towards the 30th anniversary of the Government's Decree on VNU.
Speaking at the Conference, Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Son, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Rector of the University of Science, VNU, said: The Conference of Young Scientists is not only meaningful in improving the quality of teaching, scientific research and technology transfer between young staff at universities and research units nationwide, but also an opportunity for young scientists to come closer together, forming interdisciplinary, inter-school and inter-field research groups.
This is also an opportunity for young scientists to meet, exchange, learn experiences and cooperate, contributing to promoting the development of Science and Technology in the country in the present and the future. In addition, here young scientists will also receive a lot of advice, consultation and orientation from leading scientists in their current research as well as future research.
Therefore, the leaders of the University of Science, VNU consider this a youth project and work with the research characteristics of the University, at the same time demonstrating the intelligence, youth, faith, and passion of the young generation of the whole country in general and the youth of the University in particular in the aspiration to explore and conquer the peaks of Science and Technology.
Highly appreciating the idea of connecting and organizing this event, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Vice Principal of the University of Science, VNU-HCM, said that the achievements in scientific publications account for the largest proportion in the National University system, or the generations of teachers and leading scientists who have been and are still working at the two universities, the generations of talented students who have won many prestigious awards and reached the peak of their careers are proof of the position of the University of Science, and the outstanding individuals who inherit the achievements and rise above that position are the generation of young scientists.
In the context of higher education facing enormous challenges in asserting itself through university rankings and education quality assessment systems, along with the imbalance in the needs of society and the labor market, teachers and young scientists in the fields of basic science and technology who are present here are extremely important sources of motivation to affirm to society the necessity and vast development space of these training fields.
“The conference will further promote connections in research, knowledge creation, innovative technology transfer and inspiration in the field of science, not only for scientists and lecturers but also for students studying in these fields,” emphasized Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai.
The 5th National Conference of Young Scientists in the field of Natural Sciences and Technology attracted over 110 abstracts from Universities, Colleges and Academies nationwide, of which 26 abstracts were presented in two subcommittees: Subcommittee on Materials Science and Applications, Subcommittee on Earth and Life Sciences. The conference also received media attention.
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