Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Decision No. 562/QD-TTg dated March 10, 2025 promulgating the List of state secrets in the field of natural resources and environment.
Accordingly, Top Secret state secrets include:
1. About water resources:
a) Document requesting the policy of the Party and State leaders related to negotiations on the establishment, maintenance and development of international river basin organizations related to Vietnam; negotiations to protect national interests in the exploitation, use and protection of international river water resources;
b) Documents on cross-sections and river flows used for planning and placing border markers on rivers and streams have not been made public;
c) The results of basic surveys on water resources on rivers, streams, and border water sources for national defense and security have not been made public.
2. About the environment:
a) Documents requesting policies from Party and State leaders related to activities to overcome the consequences of toxic chemicals used during the war in Vietnam and activities to overcome environmental incidents at sea that have not been made public;
b) Plan and content of negotiations on activities to overcome the consequences of toxic chemicals used during the war in Vietnam after being approved by Party and State leaders.
3. About hydrometeorology:
a) Document requesting the policy of the Party and State leaders on hydrometeorological works serving the task of protecting territorial sovereignty and national borders;
b) Topographic documents (horizontal profile, longitudinal profile, river section profile) and actual flow rate measured at hydrological stations in the estuary area within 30 km from the sea for rivers in the Red River and Thai Binh River systems; 50 km from the sea for rivers in the Dong Nai and Mekong River systems; 15 km from the sea for other rivers in the river system serving national defense and security purposes.
4. On measurement and mapping:
a) Data from the national coordinate network of class II or higher completely covers the area of a provincial-level administrative unit;
b) The map of the results of the investigation and survey of national borders serving the negotiation of national border planning has not been made public.
5. About land:
Resolutions, decisions on planning, land use plans, maps and data, documents on planning, land use plans for important projects related to national defense, security in border areas, seas, islands, and national energy that have not been made public.
6. About sea and islands:
a) Documents requesting the Party and State leaders' policies in negotiating to protect national interests in the exploitation and use of resources and protection of the marine and island environment have not been made public;
b) Data, maps, and diagrams of sound wave fields in Vietnam's sea areas;
c) Maps of topography, geology, resources and environment of archipelagos, islands, submerged banks, and reefs with a scale greater than 1:10,000 for national defense, security, and foreign affairs purposes that have not been made public;
d) Coordinates, reserves and resources of level 333 or higher of undisclosed deep-sea mineral mines;
d) National marine spatial planning map; master plan map for exploitation and sustainable use of coastal resources related to national defense and security that has not been made public.
State secrets of the level of Confidentiality include:
1. About the environment:
a) Results and solutions to environmental pollution issues; cross-border environmental pollution; marine environmental pollution caused by oil spills, toxic chemicals and marine environmental incidents that affect national defense, security, and socio-economy have not been made public;
b) Documents, specimens collected through investigation, and national absolute statistics on the consequences of chemical warfare on people and the environment in Vietnam have not been made public.
2. About hydrometeorology:
a) The results of basic investigations on meteorology, hydrology, and oceanography using the state budget for national defense and security purposes are being processed and have not been made public;
b) Locations and elevation values of main landmarks of hydrometeorological, oceanographic and water resources stations; elevation data and absolute zero of oceanographic landmarks serving national defense and security purposes.
3. On measurement and mapping:
a) The national surveying original data system includes original data of the national coordinate system, national elevation system, national gravity system, and national depth;
b) Aerial photo data includes film, digital aerial photos; point cloud data and film scan products, aerial photos with data determining the coordinates of the center of the photo with the number of linked sheets equal to an area larger than 800 km 2 in the field;
c) Topographic data layer of national geographic database, national topographic maps at scales of 1:2,000, 1:5,000, 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:100,000 with a linked area larger than 200 km 2 in the field in non-urban areas or 400 km 2 in urban areas; digital elevation model with accuracy up to 07 m with a linked area larger than 200 km 2 in the field in non-urban areas or 400 km 2 in urban areas.
4. About sea and islands:
a) Documents requesting policies from Party and State leaders on the exploitation and use of resources, protection of marine and island environment in deep sea areas, new resources of importance in socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security that have not been made public;
b) Coordinates, reserves and resources of level 333 or higher of rare metal and precious stone mines in shallow sea areas that have not been made public;
c) Data and documents in the planning dossier, adjustment of national marine spatial planning and master plan for exploitation and sustainable use of coastal resources related to national defense and security that have not been made public;
d) Documents on the scientific basis for naming islands have not been made public;
d) Results, exploitation plans, means of research, basic investigation of marine and island resources and environment using state budget related to national defense and security that have not been made public.
5. On geology and minerals:
a) The original maps and accompanying documents of the gravity method contain information on both the gravity measurement value and the location of the gravity measurement point;
b) Original documents containing information on coordinates, quantity, and quality of minerals in the mineral potential assessment project that have not been approved by competent authorities;
c) Information, data, figures in the process of investigation and assessment; results of investigation and assessment projects, exploration projects for radioactive minerals of uranium, thorium, and rare earth minerals that have not been made public.
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