The Government unanimously approved the proposal to develop a National Assembly Resolution on piloting the recruitment of people with college degrees to teach a number of subjects according to the 2018 General Education Program in Submission No. 1142/TTr-BGDDT dated August 28, 2024 and the attached related documents.
The Government assigned the Minister of Justice, authorized by the Prime Minister, to sign on behalf of the Government the Government's Submission to report to the National Assembly Standing Committee on the proposal to supplement the National Assembly's Resolution on piloting the recruitment of people with college degrees to teach a number of subjects under the 2018 General Education Program to submit to the National Assembly for decision on the development and promulgation of the Resolution at the 9th session of the 15th National Assembly (May 2025) according to the review and approval process at one session.
The Government also assigns the Minister of Education and Training, the Minister of Justice, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, and relevant agencies to be responsible for implementing this Resolution.
The Ministry of Education and Training said that most high schools do not have Art teachers (Music, Fine Arts) for students to choose subjects according to the regulations in the 2018 General Education Program from the 2022-2023 school year. The number of Music and Fine Arts teachers at the secondary school level with university degrees or higher is still not enough to arrange teaching at general education institutions.
Training at higher education institutions for the majors of History - Geography, Natural Sciences, Music Pedagogy and Fine Arts Pedagogy (university training period is 4 years) is not enough to meet the demand for teachers for recruitment. Therefore, it is necessary to recruit people with a college degree in pedagogy or a college degree in a specialized field and a certificate of pedagogical training to become teachers, ensuring that there are enough teachers to implement the 2018 General Education Program in a number of subjects.
The development of the National Assembly Resolution allowing the recruitment of college-level teachers to teach a number of subjects according to the 2018 General Education Program aims to address difficulties and problems in the process of applying the provisions of the 2019 Education Law and implementing Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No. 51/2017/QH14 of the National Assembly on innovation of general education programs and textbooks.
The specific goal is to ensure a sufficient number of teachers to implement the 2018 General Education Program in a number of new subjects and special subjects to continue effectively implementing the National Assembly's Resolutions on innovation of general education programs and textbooks.
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