Entering the 4th performance of Chi dep dao gio, some names have had clear changes in scores and rankings.
Bui Lan Huong
Bui Lan Huong is considered a singer with a special, enchanting voice, difficult to confuse among the "beautiful sisters". However, in her first performance, Bui Lan Huong ranked last in the Thu Phuong alliance, ranked 28/30 contestants.
Even when the show hinted that someone had to leave, many eyes turned to Bui Lan Huong - who had a very low personal score.
In the third performance, Bui Lan Huong improved her score and ranked 21st. However, the fact that her team kept losing and entered the danger zone also made the audience worried that the singer would have to leave early.
In the 4th performance, Bui Lan Huong rose to 6th place, ahead of Gil Le, Minh Hang, and Hoang Yen Chibi, who are all popular with young audiences. This was surprising because the singer was on the "Luck" team and lost.
When the "Luck" team had 3 members eliminated, Bui Lan Huong said her leg hurt, and she was very sad to see her 3 juniors had to stop. She burst into tears and asked the producer to let her go home so her teammates could stay and contribute more. However, the rules of the show did not allow changing the results.
In the near future, Bui Lan Huong will have a strong lineup in performance 5, including Toc Tien, Minh Hang, MisThy, Duong Hoang Yen, and Pham Quynh Anh.
Therefore, the audience predicted that when entering a team with many strong members, Bui Lan Huong would have her first victory in the program. She had lost all 4 previous performances and was mostly in the danger zone.
Thieu Bao Tram
Entering the industry as a young star with high recognition and attention from the audience, Thieu Bao Tram began her journey quite modestly.
From the initial 16th place, Thieu Bao Tram rose to 3rd place, a high position and surpassed Toc Tien, Minh Hang, Kieu Anh. She was commented to have a bright appearance, good singing and dancing ability, and diligently practicing despite her exhausted health.
At the third performance, after performing "June Rain", Thieu Bao Tram almost fainted and collapsed due to a high fever. When the performance ended, she went to the hospital for emergency treatment.
If Thieu Bao Tram continues to maintain her position in the top 5, it is very likely that she will be included in the group. However, there is still some controversy about her frequent singing about her ex-lover, implying a broken relationship.
Throughout her career, Thieu Bao Tram has been known as Son Tung M-TP's rumored girlfriend. The noise and rumors have made the female singer feel pressured and afraid to appear in the media.
Thao Trang
Another surprising name is Thao Trang. Initially, she did not even make it into the top 20 because she was not a familiar face to the audience.
At the 4th performance, Thao Trang ranked 5th, even though she was on the same team with a series of "score monsters" such as Toc Tien, Minh Tuyet, Minh Hang, and Ngoc Phuoc.
Audiences commented that Thao Trang shone on the "Dream" stage thanks to her powerful voice, beautiful choreography, and appearance that fit the unconventional sailor concept.
This is also Thao Trang's first victory since the first performance. After many failures, the 8X singer is gradually recognized by the audience as one of the best singers on the show.
Thao Trang was born in 1987, has a powerful mezzo-soprano voice, and can perform many different genres. In 2022, she appeared in the Masked Singer program with the mascot Ky Da Hoa.
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